Sunday, December 11, 2011

Choosing Contentment

I don't normally blog on Sunday, but its been several days and I've got a few spare minutes while I down some breakfast. 

The past few days have flown by, and the stress level surrounding the holidays is always high for everyone I'm sure.  Its the only time of year I can drive by the ABC store in Mebane on a Saturday at 1pm and cars are actually spilling over into the neighboring lot.  Even the laid-back Mebane folk are on the verge of a holiday freak-out...

One of my clients said the other day that she feels in charge of everyone's happiness during the, if she does not do everything perfectly someone will walk away disappointed and unhappy, which somehow reflects her value as a wife/mother/friend.  I was completely baffled and yet not surprised by this.  It saddened me that here's a woman trying to "be the best" and the judges of that are other flawed human beings with their own issues....3 of them being under the age of 16.  Are you kidding me?!  While I understand why she might have this mindset, its still so burdensome and such a lie.  Its not our responsibility to make others happy.  Happiness, or rather contentment is a choice.  You can be given everything in the world and choose to be unhappy.  Likewise, you can be in the worst of circumstances and choose to see the positive. 
I left her with a challenge....and honestly something I have to challenge myself with at times...and that was to simply do her best (not seeking perfection), be ok with it, and release herself from any notion that how others respond is a reflection of her value as a person.  Food for thought.

Well, workouts were solid this week.  Although, I'm ready to get back in my strength phase.  Maintaining is kind of boring to me....stupid ADD.  At the beginning of the year though, game on.  I might take a couple of days off beforehand, just to "get prepared" if you will.  Currently, I'm debating about doing a June show and an August show.  That's dieting from February to August.  Whew...

Ok, time to get the day rolling, have a relaxing Sunday....there's a reason its called the day of rest....use it :)

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