Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cream filled no-no

You would think I'd run out of words by now.  Amazing how that never seems to happen.

I am spent.  Today was a cloudy, dreary day and my body and mind felt the same.  Tuesdays are typically a little more "sane" for me, but today was a little different.  I had a lot on my mind...

My workout today was fast, but I got it all in.  I only did shoulders, and then finished up with sprints.  Having done short, hard sprints yesterday, my legs were tired to say the least.  I was very pleased with my shoulder workout though.  I love/hate working shoulders.  They've always been one of my hardest body parts to grow and see changes, which means I've been working them that much harder....so to actually see and feel changes is great.  I love a good shoulder-pump!  I'm such a gym rat...

Tomorrow is LEGS baby!...actually, I'm a little excited.  It means big, heavy weight and lots of wanting to crawl in the fetal position.  Hump day here I come.

So, I had a client today get through about 3/4 of his workout before he sat down and said he wasn't feeling well.  I go through my typical series of questions..."is it your head/stomach?"..."have you had anything to eat this morning?"..."what did you eat?".  His answer literally made any ounce of sympathy I was going to have (emphasis on the future tense), completely leave my body.  He said he had a doughnut from Dunkin Donuts.  Ummm...yeah,...that's why your body hates you right now.  He said "well I didn't know what to order".  Ok, this one is easy.  NOTHING.  You step away from the counter.  Am I wrong to think its pretty simple logic that eating a sugary doughnut just before working out is a bad idea for numerous reasons?!  Needless to say he finished his workout.  My god, it took him the first 35 minutes to burn that dern thing off...
Before lunch time I struggle to show sympathy,....actually, it pretty much applies all day, but especially for people who show up after eating a doughnut.

A lady asked me today what the best diet soda was.  Ok, moment of truth.  None of them.  They are all chemicals and sweetened with more chemicals that your body simply cannot process.  If your brain thinks its sweet, guess what, so does your body.  It will respond with the same insulin release as with regular sugar and promote fat storage.  Do your body a favor and drink more water.

Ok, its time for some zzzzzz's up in here!  Night people,...show up on Wednesday like you mean it!

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