Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Staggering Start

Tuesday kicked me in the face.
I was in my coma-like sleep when the alarm went off and I literally fell out of bed and headed to the bathroom to slap on my war paint and get started with my day.  My eyes were bloodshot, eyelids were droopy (which should never happen at 28 years old by the way), and my right forearm kept going numb while applying eye shadow.  What a positive image, right?!...ha...here we go...

The morning was just one thing into the next.  Busy, but good to see college kids back in town.  Zimm is back (woohoo) and offering some good energy to the gym...even though I give him and Brian crap for talking in 3rd person like they're in some dramatic Matrix-like movie.  Entertaining to watch, even though sometimes I wonder if they even know what they're saying. ;)

Workout today was good.  My chest is extremely sore from yesterday, so hitting shoulders hard today was a trip in itself.  My mind was a little distracted, but about 20 minutes in I was good to go.  Some days you just have to let your body lead.  Turn the mind off from everything else, and JUST MOVE.  Today was one of those days.  I finished with sprints and now have a shooting pain in my rear and is extremely uncomfortable.  I can honestly feel it every single step I take with my left foot.  Tomorrow I'll have to do some much needed stretching and get on that foam roller like a handy snack and have at it...
Does anyone know what I just said?....Me neither...

I received over 3 pounds in coffee today as Christmas gifts.  Fabulous.  I will be caffeine drunk until Easter.

Ok, time for bed...I've got other stuff I need to cover, but right now I can hardly think straight and its almost 9:30.  My body hates me.  Night night.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got through the workout and the rest of your day...and yes, we DO know what we're saying :) tour rolls!
