Sunday, November 27, 2011

Yup, still full...

Raise your hand if you're still in a food coma.
Odd request, being that if you were actually in a coma you could not physically raise your hand....I didn't think through that before I typed it.

Ah yes, here we are.  Days after Thanksgiving and I'd be totally fine not seeing corn pudding for another few weeks.  We literally ate our way through the day from one family function to another.  Don't get me wrong, I paced myself, but by 7pm that night I literally felt sugar drunk.  And that was just the start of my night...

Me, my sister-in-law Kelly, and my mom started shopping at 10pm.  Yes, we are those people.  I was standing in my first check-out line by 10:20 and slowly losing was going to be a loooong night.  By 4:30am I had to lay in the floor at Belk while my mom checked out.  I claimed to be holding her spot in line, but truth was that I just wanted a horizontal surface.  Ever seen a 5 year old pout?  Yeah, that was me...28 years 4:30 in the was ridiculous.
My shopping trip ended at 7:15 in the morning...I drove home, and was asleep by 7:35. 
Let me just say that when I woke up at 11:30, I was not a happy camper.  I was a semi-suicidal camper.  I honestly don't think my body has fully recovered.  I know, I know, I did it to myself...

Here's a few pictures from Thanksgiving:
Me and Miss Haven...
Ryan and Haven...

As far as workouts go, I ran about 5.5 miles on Thanksgiving (and now have shin splints...awesome),...did back and core on Friday...light cardio on Saturday, and 45 minutes moderate intensity today.  I'm ready to get back in the gym tomorrow.  I feel like a noodle.  Chest and perhaps some shoulders....after a long weekend, lack of sleep, and sugar-overload, this should be interesting.

Story of the day...
I'm in Target (where all my drama happens)....I grab my cart and start heading towards the back of the store.  Now, I do not leisurely walk through that store.  I wheel that cart like I am on a mission and probably violate any sort of woman-and-cart speed limit.  The toy aisles are to my right and all of a sudden this boy (probably 7 yrs old or so) darts out in a full sprint and I T-bone him like mac truck.  He falls in the floor, his mom is looking at him and I am trying so hard not to laugh.  Only I would seriously injure someone with my cart in Target on a Sunday afternoon.  Thankfully he was ok....perhaps now he'll look both ways, slow down, and even pack a helmet...

Time to get ready for tomorrow.  I've got chicken to chop, a gym bag to pack, and dishes to wash...boooo

Night folks!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures - you're all so pretty and the picture with Ryan and Haven is adorable. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! The only way you'd ever find me shopping on Black Friday or the night before is if I knew I could finish every damn bit of Christmas shopping otherwise it would not be worth it to me! Major kudos to you for getting out there though. I love the idea of sprawling out on the floor in Belk. I'm actually surprised you were the only one doing it!

    Good seeing you again this morning even if it was only in passing!
