Thursday, November 17, 2011

Food for thought

I am stuck in the recliner.
I came home from a long day at the gym and crashed.  Making any kind of dinner seemed like way too much effort, so I literally grabbed the container of cooked chicken breast from the fridge, reached for one with my bare hands (since getting a fork required 8 extra steps), and downed it like a cave woman.  "Dinner time" was approximately 3 minutes long.  Now here I am...

Today was a good day, but I was certainly tired by the end of it.  My upper body is beyond sore, which made today's back work out interesting.  Pulling this tank up on wide grip pull-ups is heavy enough without feeling it was just a tad more brutal.  I did 19 sets of back exercises before calling it a day.  20 minutes of know me, don't want to over do it ;)
I'm fairly certain that the 20 minutes I did yesterday came back to haunt me this morning.  At 4am I woke up to a calf-spasm so bad I nearly punched Ryan.  All I could do was curse, jump out of bed, and hobble around the room like I was involved in my own cage fight.  It was horrible.  It happened 3 times in 5 minutes before I just decided to get up and get on with my day.
I thought of my dad.  He gets them all the time.  When I lived at home right out of college my room was in the basement directly under their room (yes, I was that kid)....anyway, we used to always joke that if there were ever "noises" coming from upstairs it was either mom/dad or just dad limping around with a muscle cramp.  Ehh, they all sounded the same.....disturbing....

On to other topics (thank God)...
Great day with clients.  Helped a guy make just a couple of diet adjustments last week and he lost 7 pounds in 10 days.  Wake up call buddy!  What did he do?  Simply started eating breakfast, switched from cream to skim milk in his coffee, and packed a lunch instead of eating out at work.  Simple, simple.  I'll never forget this one trainer at a conference I go to each year....he said he always had people coming up to him asking diet questions like there was some big secret to losing weight.  Well, apparently this one woman kept on and on about it and he finally said "You know the difference in an apple and a _____ing  piece of pizza?!...Well there ya go."  I laughed.  It was true. 

Not to say making those changes is easy, but some small changes can make a huge difference.

Oh man, I am exhausted.  Friday awaits.  I've got shoulders and core tomorrow and might grab a nap in there somewhere....which, I am way more excited about than I should be.  Have a great night and here's to another day :)


  1. I got all domesticated yesterday and cooked a HUGE pot of Vegetarian Chili (and then I added a bunch of chicken-guess it's no longer vegetarian). Completely gluten free, low fat, lots of veggies and protein, low carbs, I'm good to go for the week! I hate thinking about what to eat, so this was my weekend solution. :)

    Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  2. That sounds pretty tasty...especially with the chicken :) Yes, planning ahead of time and taking care of several meals at once is the way to go...saves a ton of time in the long run. Way to get creative!
