Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Heavy lids

There are some days when its tempting to simply give in to your body's desire to "take it easy" and push only hard enough through the workout to break a sweat.  Today was one of those days.  I sat down for a few minutes before my workout and was fighting to stay awake.  All I wanted to do was throw my head down on the desk and sleep.  Just thinking about a leg workout made me tired.  I had a choice at that point.  Give in to how I felt in that moment and allow myself to just go through the motions, or challenge myself even more than if I felt great.
I chose the latter.
I can't explain it,...sometimes my decisions do not appear to make any sense....ha...

I bumped up the weight in squats and hamstring curls...moved leg press later in the workout and to a narrow foot position to make it harder...and topped it off with a superset of weighted lunges and kettlebell swings.  I thought I was going to throw up.  I would be lying if I said that I wanted to do that last set of kettlebell swings...my heartrate was 192.  It was one of the hardest leg workouts I've had in a long time.  BUT, it was an amazing feeling to push through mental and physical barriers this morning...even just general fatigue.  Don't get me wrong, I was glad it was over an hour and 20 minutes later...my quads could not take much more to be honest.  But it was such a reminder to me that we sell ourselves short way too often.  We are physically and mentally capable of so much, and yet often give ourselves permission to perform at 50% and pat ourselves on the back.  We have more,...but we have to demand it of ourselves.  Your 100% may not be the best, but the point is that its all you have.  Give it.

Overall, it was a great day.  Yes, I was pretty tired by 3pm, but rebounded better than on some other days.  Tonight I'll probably pass out after dinner.  I'm pooped.  Tomorrow will be a normal hectic hump day....gotta love hump day.  I'm going to hit some bicep/tricep and if my legs can actually operate, some cardio.  Ehh...we'll see.

My cat is currently laying spread eagle on the floor with his paws in the air and his head cocked back.  It looks like a feline crime scene.  He is out of control.
Well, its after 8 and I can hardly keep my eyes open.  Have a great night folks and remember to demand more tomorrow!!  Happy lifting...

1 comment:

  1. Typical Mer leg day, always pushing the limit! Glad to see it's going well and that those 3pm meltdowns are still resistant to coffee temptations ha! See you soon
