Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Privates and Holiday Prep...

...and then there's that moment after a long day when you are scooping your cat's poo, that you ponder your purpose in life and curse the horrible smell of litter.  "Ocean Breeze" is a lie.  Still smells like feces.  Period.
I like to end my Tuesdays on a high note, what can I say...

Its been a hectic week thus far, but coming off a great weekend with my gals..
A slumber party with a 4 and 2 year old means lots of dress-up and reminders that you keep your "privates" private.  Hey Miley, take note....even a 2 year old gets it.
We had a blast to say the least...

And then as I was pulling away I got this shot, and nearly turned around, parked the car, and broke the news to them that I'd be moving in and sharing my ridiculousness with their family until further notice,....

Well, in fitness news it was back to the grind bright and early Monday morning.
I had all intentions of getting a good night's sleep, but neglected to open the windows wide enough....so there I was at 2am having menopausal hot flashes at 30 years old.  You would have thought it was 80 degrees in there.
It wasn't.
but I was sweating.  Needless to say, the AC came back on Monday.
After Sunday night's sweat-a-thon, I didn't really care if I woke up to frostbite.
I was on a mission at that point.
But the week has been great thus far...people getting everything back under control before the holidays hit.  Always a good plan.
I'll touch on some of that as we near the only time of year when people justify eating anything, everything, and then popping Xanax like Pez to survive social functions.  I get it, but like to opt for a slightly more sensible approach...

Its about that time.
...the bed is calling, and I am on my way.  Have a great night folks and get your mind right for another hump day...

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