Monday, October 7, 2013

Sometimes You Don't Want To Know...

Rainy, gross Monday.
I loved it.
Then again, I don't work outside or even step outside for about 13 hours, so I don't feel like I'm missing anything if there is a monsoon.  Not to say I didn't want to crawl into fetal position on any horizontal surface around 2pm,...perfect napping weather.
Thus, getting on the floor to demonstrate a core exercise was a tease Every. Single. Time.

It was a pretty standard Monday with a few clients back from traveling, surgery, etc...
At one point I look around and find myself outnumbered by teenage boys.  Don't get me wrong, I have a blast with my testosterone-laden adolescents,...however, there are times when I quickly realize a cluster of such is God's form of birth control.
Give me 30 minutes with a handful of them when they're in rare form, and I'll be on the phone scheduling a hysterectomy.
But their stories kill me, and honestly I am thoroughly entertained by it...especially when it comes to the ladies.
A little insight for the younger females,...sometimes they are literally not thinking anything.  Don't quiz them on it, just embrace it.  And when they are thinking, you may not really want to know what.
Keep moving.
Give them a few years and nice dose of reality away from mom, their fan club, and anything referred to as a "lucky" article of clothing that smells like the rearend of a farm animal before you even entertain the idea of naming your children.
Don't act like you never did it.  We all did. 
Looking back, the names were absolutely horrible.  Shocker, I was 12.  I was hardly capable of naming/raising a hamster.

Love my boys...

In other workout news, it absolutely made my day to hear a young woman say she feels so much better about herself and genuinely confident in who she is and where she's headed ever since she started working out.
That is awesome.
I think sometimes we forget that working through the physical struggle in any workout is merely a practice field if you will, for life.  And the more you "succeed", the more confident you become to face things once perceived as impossible.
Suddenly you approach life unapologetic for who you are, and boldly THRIVE amidst anything,...anything.
I was so proud of her for so many reasons, but to hear her claim her truth was the highlight of my day.

Ah, here we go...another day ahead.  Make it great.  

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