Thursday, October 17, 2013

Stuck In The Middle

The ebb and flow of my week never ceases to amaze me.
By Wednesday morning I was operating on adrenaline and enough caffeine to wake the dead.  Apparently 4 hours of sleep leaves me looking like a nightmare because a handful of clients commented on my "tired" appearance....which we all know is code for "you look like hell."
I won't deny it.
I did.
Glossy eyes, clammy skin, slight stumble when walking.....I was either sleep deprived or had been drinking and didn't know it.
Generally I know it.
By the time I left work I was honestly in another world, and had I known I'd nearly lose my mind on the highway I would have slept on the PT table in the back...
 Yeah, here we go.
For the most part I think I have pretty reasonable expectations on the road: use a turn signal, go at least the speed limit, if you're in the fast lane and people are lapping you get over and reassess your life and consider a bike, skateboard, or anything topping out at 25mph.....
Very reasonable.
And probably towards the top of my list is this, not ride my bumper like the NASCAR legend you are not when there is a line of traffic clearly not speeding up.
I about lost my you know what right there by exit 266.  There is just something ironic about a Hyundai on your bumper, being thumped repeatedly in the knees by a 5 year old. 
So there I was with a Hyundai on my rear while facing the backside of a Prius...
If I were going to go down on the highway, that would absolutely be the scenario right there.  Not a Cadillac or even minivan with more features than my TV....nope, I face plant into the ass of a Prius.
I made it home alive.
I left my sanity at exit 266.

On that note, I am pooped and have a semi-full day tomorrow capped off with a dinner date with Sparkles.
Mom is so excited she can't stand it.  $100 says she squeals at least 3 times while we're eating...
Its amazing I survived by childhood.

More to come tomorrow.  But I do want to thank my dear dear Melissa AGAIN for delivering starbucks to me this morning.
Unbelievable and what an awesome candy to a baby :)

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