Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Whole Foods Meltdown and TLC

...just emerged from my nap.
Brace yourself, takes a solid 20 minutes before reality sets in and the filter is officially up and running.
It was an amazing 40 minutes, and after my experience in Whole Foods just minutes before I either needed a good long nap or anger management classes and a straight jacket.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some Whole Foods (despite paying more for chicken than a years supply of tampons),...HOWEVER, there are moments when I question the progress of humanity right there beside the grapefruit.
Getting stuck behind someone who literally has to pick up, feel, smell, and have a come to Jesus meeting with every piece is a mini-nightmare.  No, I'm not trying to get my shopping done in record time, I simply want to be in and out before I hit menopause.  In that moment, it was debatable.
Mom always says those moments are for me to "practice patience." 
I know she's right....blah. 
I pray for patience because honestly if He gives me strength someone might end up in a full nelson on aisle 3...

Well, its been a productive day thus far.
Workout,...clients, shopping,...nap,...geez.  By 7pm this train is going to come to a screeching halt.
Workouts are going well, and ironically I've had several people randomly ask me if I was going to compete anytime soon.  Ah man, I'd be lying if I said it didn't cross my mind over the last few months, BUT I simply have my focus is so much other stuff right now....and I'd have to switch to bikini.  I'm too small for Figure, and not sure how I feel about Bikini.  Thus, I am simply training to be awesome at life.  Ha.
Seriously though, my focus right now is this photoshoot, and then I will train to train.  Yes, I love it,...don't always like it, but that is life.
Onward and upward.

An old TLC song came on today....before I knew it I was back in 1994 living the dream.  100% chance I will bust a move when I here "Creep"...
Like trying to stop a tsunami.
Just brace yourself and roll with it.

Alright, happy hump day folks...make it a great one!!

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