Thursday, August 15, 2013

Shirtless Thursday

One more day of this weather and I will cease fighting the urge to completely offend everyone and frolic shirtless in public.
Its amazing....not me,...the weather.
Nothing beats that first smell of Fall-like weather.  I say that, and yet in 3 days we'll be ripping our eyes out and complaining about breast sweat because its 95 with 100% humidity.
Gotta love North Carolina weather.

Had an 80's morning with my clients,...jamming out to Madonna, some MJ, and AC/DC.  But so help me God when a Janet Jacket song comes on I pretty much revert back to my rockstar status of 1989.
...I was 6 years old with spandex, crimped hair, and a busted tape deck. 
Pretty much the portrait of awesome.
What can I say.

I was talking nutrition and "getting the crap out" with a client today and she shared something that I think almost EVERYONE deals with on some went something like this:
" let's say there are cookies in the house my mom made...I want to be able to just have a taste, but it feels like I can't.  I feel like it just opens Pandora's box,...then I eat more, I crave more, then I'm made at myself..."
I hear some version of this pretty often.  The whole idea of "just a taste" is somewhat crap because the second you put it on your tongue you want more.  Some of its mental, and some of it is completely out of your control because things happen on a chemical level that make you want more.
So long story short I needed a quick way to explain that A) her feelings/struggles were normal, and B) its unrealistic to adhere to "the taste" rule all the time like some super will-powered human being.
I thought for a second...(yeah watch out)
She's in her twenties, so the first thing that came to mind was relationships/ I rolled with it.
"Look, stop beating yourself up.  Its a lose/lose situation.  Its like taking your clothes off and saying you're just going to make out....ummm, you're not just going to make out..."
A light bulb went off, she stopped her exercise and looked up at me..."Oh my God I'm a cookie slut."
I busted out laughing.
Here's to effective illustrations and an entertaining morning in the gym...

After not even 4 hours of sleep, this afternoon is going to be interesting...the wall I inevitably hit around 4pm just might knock me out.

Make it a great day folks!

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