Monday, June 10, 2013

Socially Dysfunctional, Non-sympathetic Animals

Holy humidity.
If you're local you know exactly what I'm talking about.  Today was pretty unbelievable, and breathing amidst the haze is pretty much like trying to suck face on the tilt-o-whirl.
Not sure where that came from, but at this point in the day any thought process does not shock me.

Typical Monday in the gym...
Moms are getting stressed out about school ending and trying to figure out what the heck to do with their kids.  I get it.
18 years with those jokers is enough, and an 8 week span of day in and day out defiance is enough to send any sane person to the closet with some tissues, a stress-ball, and a handful of regrets.
I'm a big fan of overnight camps....week-long overnight camps.
Let them experience life-without-mom's-help for awhile,...perhaps wear a pair of dirty underwear and be disgusted with their own filth,...all in the name of a "learning experience."  The hope is they come back a little wiser and more appreciative of all mom/dad do.
Eh, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't,...BUT it does give you a few days of quiet and break from making lunches and getting Johnny out of a headlock.  Am I the only one who experienced a sibling UFC match on a weekly basis?
...Funny how every "we're just playing mom" turns into tears and near bloodshed for the sake of bragging rights.  And always at the expense of mom getting upset thinking she raised socially dysfunctional, non-sympathetic animals.
Partly true.
Sorry mom.

Workout was great today, but I'd be lying if I said I felt 100%.  I was so tired just putting on my spandex (which usually gets me going, lets be honest), so I knew it was going to be a mind over matter workout.
I couldn't think about it, I just had to move.  Sometimes we have to allow ourselves to show ourselves what we are capable of.  Stop thinking, analyzing, convincing...just let our bodies GO.
Today was one of those days.
So when it came time for cardio (my fave, HA), there was only one thing to do....exactly what I didn't want to.
Not sure why I think this way, it just is.
After 30 minutes of jogging/incline walking I set the treadmill to a 6:58 pace and jumped back on for the last mile.  Minor cursing, but in that moment I needed it.  I was tired, but needed an "overcoming" moment.
Damn treadmill.

Homework:...ask yourself what your "overcoming" moment needs to be, and why you haven't done it...
Part II:...throw out the why and GO

Have a great night folks!

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