Monday, June 24, 2013

I Will Touch Your Back,...But Not Your Book

Its been an entire week.
I have nothing to say for myself except that life's been crazy and my sanity level questionable.
So where do I begin?...

I took a day off last week to catch up on some things before giving my talk on Saturday, and I discovered that I can do some serious vacationing at the house.  Give me a list of projects, a day off with a bucket of lysol wipes, and I am totally content.
I cleaned and organized my fridge, a few cabinets, my shoes....oh my God my life is sad.  Kids, this is your future.  Embrace it.

Made my way to Barnes and Noble this weekend. 
Honestly, I'm a closet nerd.  I love reading, but rarely have time and fall asleep after a few pages....(you can see where college was problematic). 
I always gravitate to the psychology section,...and if I'm feeling stalked (you know when this happens to you and its super awkward for all parties involved), I immediately pick up a book on sexual dysfunction or suicide.
Sorry, I just want to read in peace without feeling like I've got a creepy best friend I didn't ask for following me amongst the binds.
I spent nearly an hour in that store before my eyes were burning and I finally decided on something.  Yes, I should utilize the library, and I can't justify not except for the fact that the thought of all those people touching the books freaks me out.
Its ironic I say that because I work in a gym and will touch someone's sweaty back, but hesitate to hold a few dirty pages.  No need to judge me,....I judge myself.

My talk went well this weekend, and I was thrilled with the questions people was great.  And I was pleasantly surprised to see my mom and sister-in-law stroll in as well!  Anytime my family opts to support me publicly I know they are taking a risk on many levels.  Mainly because there's a high chance I'll say something that leads to the "how-are-you-my-child?!" conversation.  I have it memorized.
I get it.
But seriously, I was truly touched everyone took the time to come out and listen to me get on my soap box for a little while. 
Yes, I could have stayed on that box for a few more hours if I thought I wouldn't eventually get dehydrated and pass out.

Whew,...halfway through my day...5 hours to go.
And it marks the last few days in my twenties....heaven help us all... :/

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