Friday, June 7, 2013

Smelly Peeps

This weather is miserable.
Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate a nice summer shower every now and then, but my God the monsoon outside makes me want to crawl in a hole head first with Michael Jackson's You Are Not Alone blaring in the background.
Slightly dramatic.

I'm currently on my 5th cup of coffee for the day, and even after a little nap I could go back for more.  Just one of those days.
Workout today was solid,...not great (was distracted), but challenging and exhausting so I won't complain.  I didn't take any clients today, and judging by the looks of things I would have been pretty useless.  I am spent.
I made my way to the grocery store and could hardly form coherent words to the cashier.
Pretty sure she thought I was drunk.
Ironically the guy behind me smelled like a bar stool.  Literally,...wood, alcohol, and butt sweat.  That's all I will elaborate on that.
I was too tired to even give him the disappointed-and-mad-our-paths-have-crossed-because-you-smell-horrible look.
Its in those moments that I would sacrifice my sense of smell for like 5 bucks,...maybe 4.
Grocery shopping done.

I'll be completely honest, I definitely judge people by what they place on the conveyor belt.
I would venture to say that, on average, 80% of what is being scanned is not food.  Yes, we make choices and you certainly have the right to fuel your machine as you wish, but your stomach is not a trashcan.  As a whole, our definition of "food" is totally screwed up.
Instead of thinking natural, grown, or once alive, we think "anything that tastes good, you can swallow, and won't instantly kill you."  Absurd.
The list of things that definition could apply to is way too long...
**Good rule of thumb: When you turn over a packaged good and cannot picture each ingredient in its natural state, it should not go in your mouth.**
Does this mean you NEVER have processed foods or a splurge now and then?  No.  That's unrealistic and to say that I eat perfectly all the time is a lie.  BUT, at least 95% of the time, yes, you should strive for wholesome, REAL foods.
That's my sermon for the day.

As I sweat from the coffee, I am contemplating another nap.
Its amazing, even after all this coffee I can still fall asleep in approximately 28 seconds.  Its a gift.  Ok, actually, it just means I am sleep deprived and mentally foggy...

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