Sunday, December 2, 2012

Those Last Few Bites....

This morning hit me like a bus.  A massive bus.
I woke up about 3 times before I actually managed to crawl out of bed and make my way to the coffee maker.  That lasted all of 3 seconds before I was back to the couch and completely passed out.
Oh its going to be an eventful Sunday folks.

This past week was pretty much all about recovery from the plague I came down with last weekend.  My appetite was honestly nowhere near normal until about Thursday.  If you get it, my advice is to strap on a bib and prepare for the worst.  You will be hating life.
And then once you're done regurgitating everything from your esophagus to coccyx, be thankful for good health.

One thing I certainly did not prepare for was the aftereffect of reintroducing food back into my system.  It was not pretty.
I generally eat a lot of vegetables, but in this case I probably should have gone easy on the broccoli.
I was about 2 florets away from imploding.
I've never hated vegetables so much in all my life.....well, except when I was little and associated eating anything green with child abuse.
Remember when your parents used to say "just eat 7 more bites since you're 7 years old..." 
Such crap.  I swore I'd revolt once I hit double digits.  Eh, I never did.  I gave in and ate the overcooked peas (which were by far the worst) and thought I was a genius by making my "7 bites" be exactly 7 peas.  What a smartass. 
Truth is, I'll probably do the same thing, or just make up stuff like "if you don't eat your vegetables, your limbs will rot off."  Slightly untrue, but my God if they still believe in a tooth fairy why am I a jerk for making up reasons to eat healthy?...
I think I'm still bitter from the pea incident.

Ok, onto my day.
Since its actually not freezing outside I may go for a jog....I say this, and yet I can hardly walk because my butt is so sore from Thursday.  We'll see how this goes.

Make it a great day folks.

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