Monday, December 3, 2012

And This Is Called A Real Fork...

Is it just me or is there at least one moment every Monday when you question your own sanity, well as your ability to restrain yourself from an outright assault...??...
Am I alone on this one?
No matter how well a Monday goes, its always a little nuts on some level.  I say hope for the best, prepare for the worst, strap on a cup and charge full steam ahead. 
On that note, I was honestly pumped about lifting today since I was 100% healthier and ready to roll compared to last Monday.  Alicia Keys and Rihanna blared in my ear on REPEAT, (my OCD also dominates my iPod habits), and by the end I was pretty much convinced I was the Girl On Fire.
Literally,...on fire.
If you do not have that song, I forgive you...for now.  Download it.  Best $1.29 you'll spend in the next 24 hours, and I don't need to know what else you have planned to buy, but its probably worthless.
Its ridiculous,...when I get stuck on a new song I will listen to it until I hate it.
Certified extremist.
Long story short, awesome workout body will probably hate me tomorrow.

Well, its officially birthday week for my partner in crime, Garrett.
Birthdays are a big deal in my book because it a reminder of the day God decided to pretty much rock the world, bring you in, and often prove He has a sense of humor....and that your parents make poor decisions during a Marvin Gaye serenade.
Ah, I'm kidding.
You're special.
One of a kind.
No one like you.
...I was fed way too many lies before the age of 10...

It was only fitting to start off his birthday week with a few practical gifts.  And I do mean practical.
First, a giant bottle of balsamic vinegar.
The kid goes through more of that mess than any normal human being.  Walk within 10 feet of his salad while he's eating, and the smell will literally singe your nose hairs.  Its unbelievable.
Second gift, a metal fork.
Everyday while devouring his balsamic-molested-salad, he uses a plastic fork.  And everyday, he loses at least 2 prongs.  I don't quite understand why he must attack the bowl like a Spartan, but he does.  And Dixie products fall victim every single time.
I admit, part of this gift is selfish because if he accidentally swallows a prong, I don't have time for an oral scavenger hunt and heimlich maneuver.  The day I have to do the heimlich I'd prefer it be someone under 215 pounds.  Sorry Garrett.  Stick with metal utensils. 
Third gift, Q-tips.
The guy is all about some personal hygiene...and he's gone on and on about wanting Q-tips after his post-workout shower.  As if they are a delicacy and not found within a quarter mile radius at ANY store near the gym.  You know what, DONE.  You want a cardboard stick with cotton, you got it my friend.  I am the birthday fairy.  In spandex.
Whew, its going to be a long, festive week...

Well, its about that time.
Dishes in the sink.
Time for bed.
Have a wonderful night on tomorrow. ;)

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