Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Hormones are unbelievable.
One day you wake up, splash some water on your face and boom, you just lost 5 years and look refreshed.  Other days, you practically drown in your sink in any attempt to not look like you were traumatized in your sleep.
I've learned to keep my expectations low at 4:15 in the morning.
Today just happened to awesome, as I quickly discovered my face was retaining more water than a ShamWow.
Not cool.
You know what's worse than a swollen thumb...ankle...or patella?
A swollen head.

I can't complain though.  Today was a good day.
I received some inspirational emails and texts that truly kept me focused and fired up.  The timing of those are always ironic...and perfect.  So thank you to those of you who constantly contribute to my journey!  It means more than you know.

I had a great conversation with a client today about focus and purpose.
She's at a place in her life where she needs to pause, reflect and refocus in terms of "fitness" and what it means to her.  Time to assess and perhaps adjust her goals as a runner, as a healthy woman, mother, friend, etc.  I think its awesome.  The greatest thing we can do sometimes is stop, look at ourselves in truth, see where we ARE, and ponder where we desire to go.  Then comes the hardest part...
Consider Is what I'm doing RIGHT NOW a step in the right direction? 
I think we often get stuck on the hamster wheel of this-is-the-way-I've-always-done-it and refuse to jump off even when "the way" is no longer effective, enjoyable, or makes any sense.
Unfortunately, we often wait too long to do this and before we know it, we've lost hope/desire that things can be different. 
Honestly, I suggest examining this each week.  Your schedule, habits, and routine should truly reflect a clear path to your fitness goals.  Whether short term or long term, your DAILY lifestyle choices determine your direction and the speed at which you move towards your achievements.
Your path.
Your responsibility.

I was thrilled for her in that moment.  Not only was she analyzing and considering WHY she's doing what she's doing, but she was also daring to make changes against the only "normal" she's known for so long.
Ballsiest move yet.
I love it.

Well, I am happy to say I will be in bed in less than 30 minutes along with everyone else under the age of 10 and over the age of 80.  I am drained.
Tomorrow looks to be another full day.  If I wake up with another bloated head you might find me on the news for completely losing it in public.
Is it possible to soak your face in an anti-inflammatory?...I swear something is inflamed.

Have a great night folks, more to come tomorrow.
Face it like a champ.

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