Monday, October 31, 2011


Aaannnnddd here we are.
I had all intentions of dressing up today for work, but my dad completely screwed up all my plans.  Seriously.  I was going to where his polyester coaching shorts from 1986, some tube socks, and even rock a whistle all day...(which, would have been taken away from me in about 3 seconds).  BUT, apparently, my mom took them to goodwill.  So somewhere there is a man rocking some yellow indestructible coaching shorts.  He's the man and totally doesn't know it.

Whew, what a weekend.  I had my conference in Myrtle Beach, and honestly enjoyed every minute...well, except for watching the World Series alone in my hotel room yelling obscenities at the TV as the Rangers blew it.  Let's not get into that one.  Nonetheless, it was energizing and I learned a ton.  One thing that I really caught my attention was the most recent research on weight/health as it pertains to your lifestyle.  Ultimately, you are fighting a much harder battle if you are sedentary for the majority of your day.  They haven't determined the exact amount of time, but they do know that you need to stand up and move for a least 1 minute every 30 minutes to remotely counter-act things that are going on at the cellular level that are promoting fat storage/fat gain.  Crazy, but we truly were made to move.
I thought about this today as I was at work.  From 5:30 to 6pm I sat down for a total of 10 minutes (to and from Target in the car).  BUT, I do remember when I first started training, and standing for only 4 hours was tough.  Now I run around like I'm on speed...can you imagine....

Let's talk workout.
I mixed things up a little today/this week.  I did back and shoulders today, then finished with 45 minutes of cardio.  My back was s-h-o-t afterwards....but it was a great feeling.  I haven't lifted like that in months, so it was a nice change.  I was even able to stretch a little afterward (which I desperately need).  Should have seen me in a sports/yoga class I took this weekend.  That crazy woman wanted us to stand on our heads, stretch our hamstrings against the wall like we were a human pretzel, and there I was struggling to even sit cross-legged for the warm-up.  It was me and this 250+ pound bodybuilder in the back of the room taking turns laughing at each other.  Honestly, we looked ridiculous.  All that to say, I realized pretty darn quick how badly I need to stretch....wake up call...

Ok, mama is tired...time for some shut-eye...

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