Friday, October 7, 2011

Sandy bottoms

Made it to the beach...
I slept 9 hours last night...practically in a coma.
Got up, ran 5 miles, just finished some breakfast and am ready to hit the beach.  I'm lathered up in a whopping 4spf sunscreen (mom would not be proud), but I've got 48 hours to return to NC not looking like a someone with polio.  Here we go...

Honestly, I am more than ready to REST.  My body is fatigued, my mind is fatigued,...there seems to be a trend.  My strength over the last couple of weeks has been ok, but not where I'd like it.  It has not been consistent.  Not good.  Hopefully these couple of days will be restful and get me roll'n for next week.

I've enjoyed mixing up my lifting over the last 2 weeks...hitting every muscle group twice, but I may go back to an upper/lower split in a couple of weeks.  I just don't like hitting some sort of upper body 4 days per week.  Even though its different muscle groups, my grip gets weak and I just don't think I'm maximizing my strength/energy.  Every body is different...

Ok, time to pack the beach bag (and cooler), and hit the beach.  The plan = sleep...moan....sleep...turn get the point.

Happy Friday folks :)


  1. Hope you enjoyed your vacation!!!!! Great seeing you the other day. :)

  2. Indeed! Yes, the vacation was much needed even if it was brief. And so glad you stopped by!...yes, I was sucking a little bit of wind - story of my life :)
