Today I manged to survive off of 3 1/2 hours of sleep. That's right,...coming from someone who is religiously in bed by 9:30, this was a mini-nightmare. I tossed and turned with an upset stomach from 10 until 1am. When the alarm went off at 4:20 I nearly threw it across the room. I was more angry than any human should experience so early in the morning. What a way to start the week...
By the time I had to workout, my stomach was feeling better, but my heartrate was up and my eyes were watering from being so tired. Yes, everything felt heavy. Especially hauling a tank...a huge ass tank. Overall, I was ok with the weights and here's what I did for upper body:
Incline DB press 4 x 8
Wide grip pull-ups 4 x 8
DB flys 4 x 8
Bent over BB row 4 x 8
BB shoulder press (drop-set) 4 x 8/8
NG pull-downs/ss BB curls 4 x 10/10
DB lateral raises (drop set) 4 x 8/8
Alternating hammer curls 4 x 10 each
40 minutes cardio
Now I'm sitting here staring at dirty dishes and a pile of unopened mail like its Mt. Everest. I had cabbage tonight.....which, might prove to be a dumb decision...we'll see. What a long day....a good day,...but a long day. I have a feeling that my ability to function without a heavy dose of caffeine and/or prozac tomorrow is questionable. I've got legs/core, which, I've got to pound out pretty hard since I won't lift legs on Friday. I've got a conference this weekend....meathead convention...that I am extremely pumped about! So much spandex.....home sweet home.
Ok, time for bed. I am pooped. If I don't sleep tonight....actually, lets not even entertain that thought....
Happy Monday...night!
To incorporate these into your core workoutt routine you will need to work on stretching exercises that are specifically designed to assist golfers. Your aim in improving your swing throughout your golf workouts is to drive the ball further and straighter than you have got carried out ahead of.