Friday, February 1, 2013


Well, I only got the finger once yesterday.
From a young man I could literally shot-put across the room if I wanted to.  Teenagers.
6am I'm all geared up and ready for anything, and by 6pm I've had a fair dose of after school madness and am one phone call away from scheduling my own hysterectomy.
Its amazing I make it through 24 hours as sane as I do.

Yesterday I was bombarded with both ends of the spectrum when it comes to nutrition.
I heard excuse after excuse about not eating breakfast, giving up sodas, trading certain foods for others....bla bla bla is literally what I heard, (with a few expletives thrown in there).  This is ultimately what you're saying:
"I want to change who I am, but I don't want to change what I do."
 Congratulations, that makes no sense and leaves you immobile in the face of possible growth.
The fact is, who you are and the direction you go in essentially every aspect of your life is determined by what you do and don't do.  Period.
In terms of fitness,...if what you are doing is not achieving desired results, then guess what, time to adjust the plan.  You ultimately have to decide what you want more. 
Making excuses for not eating breakfast, but wanting to lose weight and become healthier does not go hand in hand.  The excuse becomes more powerful than the will to break the cycle.
It must be the other way around for change to occur.
The beauty of this process is that yes, genetics certainly plays a role, BUT you get what you put in.  That should be know that if you consistently put forth the effort and are willing to train like the person you want to become rather then who you currently are, then you can meet your goals and then bask in your own self-driven success.

The victim card is easy to play.
Victim of schedule, "no will power" (I call BS), society's temptations of fast food (again, BS), dear Lord the list could go on...
Buck up.
Your life, your body, your responsibility.
Excuses will always be there,...for everyone.  Heaven forbid we choose to abandon any notion that we are not responsible for our lives and the portrait of health we present to the world.
Questions to ponder:
* What are my own excuses?
* What can I do TODAY to move forward?
Truth is, we can often identify the very things that hold us back.  We've found a sick comfort in them, which is ultimately no comfort at all.  Consider this because it is huge to understand.  Until we are willing to walk away from these things, or not place such emotional value in them, we will remain powerless to them.  They only possess the power we give them.  Fact.
This goes for the person weighing themselves everyday and freaking out over a quarter pound,...the guy choosing to drink everyday,...the athlete staying up all night partying,...the woman going to the drive-thru everyday at work....the list is endless.
Common theme: ALL CHOICES. 

Well, you can see where my brain has been lately.
But despite my frustration with people in this aspect of health, I was blessed to have a handful of people personally come to me with victories in their own journey.  Again, decisions they made for themselves to improve and move forward.  Fat lost, confidence gained, and a general sense of I am worth it  fostered for the first time.
Its amazing and the reason I love what I do.
Damn right you're worth it.  Believe it.  Then ACT on it.

On that note, I need to get this day rolling.
Busy morning and then an afternoon massage.  I can't wait.
Make a great day folks.

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