Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My A.M.

I woke up in the middle of the night for my typical bathroom break, (I have the bladder of a toddler), and was absolutely convinced it was only 2am.  I needed a couple more hours of sleep for the sake of my sanity and my 6am clients.
I was wrong.
I looked at the clock and 4:10 screamed at me like a freight train.
I felt horrible and about had a meltdown right then and there.
This is often how my day begins.  People ask me if I'm a "morning person", and if that means getting up before majority of mankind but not socially functional for at least a couple of hours and 16oz of coffee later,...then yes, I am a morning person.

But when I think of a "morning person" I naturally think of Sparkles.
That woman is a mini-nightmare first thing in the morning.  And by nightmare, I mean an absolute ray of sunshine, glitter, and everything else that might piss off a pessimist before 9am.  If I had a dollar for every time she greeted me with a song at 6am during high school I could have paid her to stop and had enough left over to fund my candy addiction.
It was unbelievable.
All that to say, I am often in rare form prior to the daily gym experience...

Today was another day in paradise.
People are starting to hit the 'ol wall in regards to New Years resolutions and plans to "eat healthy" and "get in shape".  Motivation seems to be fading, and instead of buckling down, I am amazed by the number of people who will so quickly fall back into poor habits before I basically have to threaten their life not to.
Come on folks.
Its been one month, and its an ongoing process.
Yes, you will slip up, yes sometimes will be harder than others.  That's life.  Move on and move forward.
It wasn't one day that got you out of shape, and it won't be one day that gets you back in.  Ask yourself what am I doing TODAY that will get me where I want to go?  One step at a time, and don't make it bigger than it has to be for where you are.

*  *  *
It dawned on me today that in 5 months I will be 30.
This sounds much older than 29, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.  Although I did have someone think I was 18 last week.  I didn't know whether or not to thank him or throat-punch him for being creepy on someone he assumed was recently able to vote.
Eh....I laughed, said thanks, and then forgave him for the creepy part...

Aaaanndd I'm done.  Totally wiped out.  If I wake up by accident 5 minutes before my alarm again tomorrow morning you just might see me on the news.
Hump day awaits, night folks....

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