Sunday, February 10, 2013

What Are We Thinking?...

Its nearly 9:30 and I amazed I'm even functioning right now.
Give me 15 minutes and it will all head south....quickly....

It felt like a quick weekend, but some great catching up with friends and clients.  I pretty much camp out in coffee shops Friday thru Sunday.
If I said "a bar" it would have come across a lot differently...
No, just coffee shops.

It never fails that even in general conversation, the topic of health comes up...either sparked by a question, or a blunt observation I make of someone ordering an extra-large cup of sugar topped with sugar.
No, I don't judge you.  At that point, its not my opinion as to whether or not that choice is healthy.  Its pretty much fact that its not.
I could people watch for hours.  Spoken like a true creeper, I know.
So yes, health and nutrition came up numerous times this weekend in conversation and one common theme that comes as no surprise:..friends.
    We like to think that "friends" are often supportive of every decision we make to better ourselves, but sometimes, (especially when it comes to health), they can work against us.
Statistics prove this.
The number of overweight friends in your "inner circle" directly effects the probability that you will be or become overweight yourself.
Think about how you spend time with your friends.  Around a dinner table?  Going out for drinks?  We are social creatures, but sometimes how we choose to do it directly conflicts with our health goals.  Period.

Its sad to me that I speak with way too many people who say their friends give them a hard time about eating healthy.  That's ridiculous.
Help me understand why its a horrible thing to actually take care of yourself?  So its "weird" and "obsessive" to measure out portioned meals instead of gorging myself and eating crap all the time??  Yeah, that seems so strange.  
Give me a break.
Heaven forbid we encourage a positive sense of self-control and respect for our bodies among each other.   Our journey is not a solo one.
We should strive for daily improvement for ourselves while encouraging the same in others. 

Well, its about that time.
Pooped, and ready for another week.
New day tomorrow folks.
Face it.  Conquer it.

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