Monday, February 25, 2013

Oh Echo

What's worse than fighting the parking lot traffic at Whole Foods?
Doing it twice,...on a Monday.
It doesn't matter what time of day I go, I end up wandering around the parking lot like a nomad for 10 minutes stalking people as they walk to their car.  I stare them down as if they are moving at slugs pace, which they're not, but unless its an all out 100m dash at that point, they might as well limp the entire way.
So dramatic.
My first trip to the store I practically had to stop for a water break from my spot to the front door.  I got a little luckier the second go round.  Not only was I closer, but I also had the luxury of claiming a spot next to a Toyota Echo.  Let me tell you something about this mini auto-nightmare...
Despite the claustrophobic driving experience one might have during operation, parking beside one is a gift from the universe.
Being able to open my door without having to suck in and slide out like a felon is one of life's simple pleasures.  Some days I would pay good money for that extra 10 inches.  In contrast, parking between a Suburban and Sequoia makes me want to crank up the Alanis Morrisette and slash a few tires.
I'd be angry...She's been angry since about 1995, so the whole scene works....

On a lighter note,...
It was a great day with clients.  I was pretty tired from the start since I decided to have coffee yesterday at 5:30 and proceed to not fall asleep until pushing 11 last night.
Body was tired, mind was s-t-r-u-g-g-l-i-n-g, and I didn't really feel any good rhythm until after 2.  Yeah, that's not really ideal considering my workday starts at 6.
Tonight I will be clutching the pillow by 9.

And lastly,...
A call to focus.
I've had numerous emails and texts lately about this, and more specifically, getting caught up in being comfortable and thus losing focus/motivation.  
We get on a plan, we start off energized, excited, and READY for change.  Theeeen, life happens and the next thing we know we're falling back into the habits that initiated the plan for change to begin with.  Sound familiar?
What we fail to take into account is that motivation is a daily choice.  It is not a one-and-done deal.  No, it doesn't have to consume your life or maintain that you spend hours thinking about it.  But rather, you actively create an environment that promotes healthy choices, supplies ample support, and fosters growth from the inside out.  Again, DAILY choices and behavioral changes.
Wake up remembering why you began this journey, and then choose to do the things necessary so when you lay your head down at night, you are satisfied with your effort, progress, and overall commitment to yourself.
No, its not easy,...but it sure beats feelings of regret, self deprecation, and insecurity.

Well folks, I am spent.
Time to hit the bed,...more to come tomorrow...

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