Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Boston Lettuce and Breast Offenses

Boston lettuce is unbelievable.
By far my favorite.
Of course its the most expensive and smallest head in the bunch.  Thus, I'm mad I even like it.
And yet I will attack it like a wildebeest every single time....add some cooked broccoli, chicken, parm cheese, and cottage cheese, and holy crap I'm completely in my happy place. 
Just me and some overpriced produce.
This looks much more sad on paper...

Today was a good day, but man I was tired.  I woke up at 3am to make my nightly trip to the bathroom like the 72 year old that I secretly am, and apparently went back into the deepest sleep I've had in a long time. 
...Woke up with sheet-wrinkles on my face, drool on the pillow,...just one giant disaster to be quite honest.
After that it was pretty much an uphill battle.

I had a consultation last week and I cannot believe I forgot to write about it.  It was honestly a first for me on many levels...
This woman comes in to inquire about our services, and right off the bat I could tell she wasn't fully on board.  It was as if I spent the first 15 minutes selling the idea of resistance training.  Like she wasn't convinced that it was good for her...
I think I even laughed at one point and explained the benefits according to her goals were not an opinion....needless to say, it as a tough conversation.
She kept making excuses for why she wasn't meeting her goals, but wasn't open to other options.  I literally wanted to shake her.
As the conversation continued she delved into the whole I-don't-want-to-have-bulging-muscles thing,... to which I explained for the 194749th time that due to the fact that she has a vagina, it simply will not happen naturally.
Then she proceeded to say that she didn't want to lose her breasts. 
Ok, fine, heard this before, but I'm sorry we cannot tell our bodies where to lose fat.
At that point she was looking me up and down as if I'd just insulted her momma.
 "Well, no offense but yours ain't too big!!"
...Aaaand my afternoon was complete.
I laughed,...thanked her for the obvious observation,....and explained the benefits of not having 5 extra pounds hit me in the chin when I run.
Dear Lord.
And for future reference, if you have to begin a statement with "No offense", you should probably conserve the oxygen and just shut-up.
What an afternoon.
Never a dull moment, ha.

Well, me and the A-cups are exhausted.
Ready for Wednesday...

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