Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wide-Eyed and Ready To Go

I had one of those mornings where you're driving to work and 22 miles later you can't really figure out how you got there because you're entire memory of the car ride vanished like a fart.
I pulled into the parking lot, loaded all my bags, and literally crawled into the gym.  I look like a packed mule headed into that place.  Gym bag,....purse that could hold a small child,....cooler full of food that might as well have wheels,...and my 24 oz coffee mug.  This is my life.  All this crap is the next 12-13 hours of my life. 
The the beauty of OCD is that you are always prepared.  Over-packed, maybe, but definitely prepared.

Honestly, I struggled to get going during my workout today.
I was extremely tired and knew that if I didn't get my cardio done first, it probably wasn't going to happen later.  Its not my preferred order, but today I had to switch things up just to get it done.  Before I knew it I was in the shower and figuring out how many days its been since I've washed my hair.
I borderline unsanitary sometimes and yet it doesn't bother me enough to do anything about it yet.  Eh...

I decided to run by Hallmark today and you would have thought it was the end of the world.  There I was perusing the cards and one by one, bought that.....sent that one 3 months ago....bought that one.....and that one....for the love of God someone make some new cards.  I was losing my mind trying to find a funny card that I haven't already sent or bought 2 copies of to send 2 different people.  Shocking, I have 2 friends.  But you get the point.
Minutes later I'm in the Spanish section trying to figure out what the hell the cards say so maybe I could go bilingual with the whole card thing.  No such luck.  Thank you for the two years of high school Spanish,....they could have been written in German and it really wouldn't have mattered. 
...And that's why blank cards are worth every penny of $3.49.

Highlight of my day came this afternoon.
I started with a new athlete last week, and when he came in I pretty much got to the point.  I find that the majority of young athletes will place value in 2 areas in regards to their sport: Play and Practice (with more emphasis in the first).  Sure some of them might enjoy aspects of training when they feel it directly correlates to the field/court, but its always shocking to me the number of kids who put forth a fraction of the effort they do during competition.  And then as expected, they often fail to appreciate the impact rest and proper nutrition have on their game.  I see this EVERYDAY.
Thus, I've pretty much stopped being nice about it and cut straight through the crap during the evaluation.  I was very frank with him about how his nutrition habits needed to change and that it wasn't his mom's responsibility to have his protein shake ready or lunch made.  I remember he just looked at me wide-eyed like I was about to get him in a choke-hold.  I might have if I thought it'd get my point across.
So I get an email from his dad today.
Long story short he's seen a 180 in his son's mindset.  Not only was he getting up at 5am for workouts/running, but he had his protein ready to go and made his own lunch this week for school packed with fruits, veggies, and healthy sandwiches. 
I nearly threw my shoulder out doing a fist pump while reading.
It was awesome, and that's what its all about.  Empowerment.  Not hand-holding and creating dependent athletes and clients on a trainer, coach, or parent for motivation and the extra push,...but rather giving them the opportunity to succeed and prove to themselves they are capable of much more.  Not to say we don't need accountability and inspiration in our lives, but the goal is to come to a place where we truly are fueling our own drive and determination to achieve.

That kid took some major first steps this past week.  Way to go.

On that note, I am done for the evening.  Tired and not feeling too well, I need a solid 8 hours tonight.  More on the plate tomorrow...this train keeps moving...


  1. Love hearing about athletes making changes like that...means that you're making a great impact and hopefully it becomes habit for life, not just sport

  2. It is my son she is speaking of. I couldn't be prouder of him! Im very excited about him working with Meredith and already see such a difference in his work ethic. He WANTS to be better. He knows he has potential but it's up to him to open up opportunities for HIMSELF and by HIMSELF. A simple thank you is all I have right now. Thank you from Mom. :)

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