Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Confessionals and Excuses

This week is apparently confess-to-your-trainer-and-pray-they-don't-beat-you week.
Over the last 48 hours I've received an onslaught of texts/emails about weekend beer extravaganzas.  You would think I ran a recovery group.
One after another clients were randomly confessing their nutritional sins to me as if I was going to interrogate them otherwise.  Which I'm not opposed to, let's be honest.  But I was truly amazed by the number of people practically word-vomiting about the crap they drank, ate or both.

I appreciate the honesty, and truth is that if I know they are doing everything right on the workout end of things and progress is not going as planned, then yes, its time to take a hard look at the other 90% of the time when they are not with me.
Its comical to me though how often people will be quick to admit there is a problem or they are unhappy and want to change, but damn if they are willing to take the next step.  So then I'm left wandering why, if they are THAT unhappy about something they ultimately have control over,  remain in a self-dug pit of continual poor choices?  At some point, the fact that "it's hard", (as I've heard countless times), has to outweigh the misery of living in a place where self-worth is hardly visible anymore.  Buck up.  Change is never comfortable, but neither is poor health and self-image.  We are so disillusioned to think that everything should come easy and if it doesn't then its "bad" or "wrong."  HA.  Because Heaven forbid that we push ourselves, spend time planning healthy meals, get up early to fit in a jog, or take time to teach our kids the difference in an apple and a debbie cake.
I get fired up because our health as a nation is literally going down the crapper and I get so sick of excuse after excuse.  Common lines:
"...I can't get up early to workout because I'm tired." - yeah, me too, I'll call you at 4:16 when my alarm goes off.
"...natural food just doesn't taste good." - because you are used to things 500x sweeter and fattier, of course they don't taste good yet.  GIVE IT TIME.
"...fast food is everywhere and so tempting." - THEY are not driving your car.  Keep moving...its called good 'ol fashioned will power and its like a muscle, the more you practice it, the stronger it becomes.
"...healthy food is expensive." - not as expensive as heart surgery, years worth of meds, or your funeral.

....and the list could go on.  Truth is, no permanent changes will occur until there is internal motivation....basically, a deeper desire and drive to achieve stemming from VALUE we personally place on something, (in this case, health).
At the end of the day, as I've said numerous times...
Your Body.  Your Responsibility.

* * *

Whew,  little tangent there.
Perhaps I'm still pissed about our dryer being broken.  Don't want to talk about it....they just need to fix it asap.  The guy came in today, looked at it for literally 5 minutes, said he couldn't fix it, and then charged us $120.  I had to practice self-control not to toss a dumbbell at him like a tomahawk.  Needless to say I was in rare form after that.

Workout today was great.  I was truly tired even though I was passed out last night before 9:30.  I can't imagine what time I'll hit the bed in 40 years...5..4:30...who knows.  But I think anything after 3pm is fair game at that point.

Speaking of tired,...time to roll.  I can hardly keep my eyes open and I still want to read in a new book.  I don't do the whole Kindle thing.  I want a real, paper, tree-sacrificing book in my hands.  Its mainly about the smell....AND the fact that I can look back and see how far I've read and be proud about it.
I know, that part of me is still in 3rd grade.
I am easily pleased, what can I say...

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