Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Karate Moves From Father Time

Sometimes I love waking up at 2 in the morning.  Seriously.  However, its only when I wake up thinking its 4 but its actually 2.  At that point, I roll back over, untangle myself from the hair-web I've managed to find myself in, and assume my left-side-fetal-slumber.
Two more hours of unconscious bliss.
Then WHAM, Father time pulls a side kick to the throat, time speeds up, and before I know it the alarm is screaming in my ear.
Its amazing I survive mornings.

From the stories told, it seemed as if everyone had a good Labor Day.
Then again, we always seem to find a reason to cookout and drink,...honestly though.  New Years...July 4th....Halloween...the actual holiday seems to be irrelevant.  Pretty sure we'd take shots and face dive into casseroles on Flag Day if over 50% knew the actual date.
June 14th, look it up.
My point is, I think today was a detox day for some, and a typical Monday-crammed-into-Tuesday for others.

Personally, I was pumped about getting back in the gym and diving into the weights.  What a meathead, I know.  But I took yesterday off from work and working out, so I was practically going through withdrawals by 10am. 
It was a good workout, but didn't flow exactly how I'd hoped.  Tis life.  I gave it what I had today, and tomorrow is leg day so time to refocus.
Currently, I can't feel my midback.
Great.  Sleeping will be interesting...

I had a client come in today and burst into "I had my breakfast and lunch on time today, hydrated well, and I'm ready to go!  I guess I have no excuses, ha!"  I laughed and honestly anticipated a great workout.  He thought he was just joking, and yet what he did/said is SO true and important.  Everything works together when it comes to training.  Nutrition, rest, hydration, mental stress, etc....it ALL effects performance.  All too often people perceive they had a "bad" workout because they felt sluggish or tired or queezy, but neglect to consider the entire picture.  Each aspect holds value.  Just another example of why its considered a lifestyle change.
When we're truly honest with ourselves, there is generally room for improvement in each of these areas.  What are we waiting for?

Well, my house smells like salmon and I'm staring at a sink full of dirty dishes that never seem to wash themselves. 
Tuesday done.  Embrace tomorrow folks!

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