Monday, September 10, 2012

Sponge Affect...

Its too bad there's not an award for most bloated on a Monday.
I would win.
Second to waking up with a hangover on the first day of a work week, is waking up hoping your water will break...except I'm not pregnant.
But somehow the release of excess fluid in whatever form sounded fine with me.  By 9am I was fairly certain my body was preparing for a water shortage from hurricane Mutton.  I have no clue where that name came from.  No one wants their house claimed to "Mutton."  At that point, you pretty much lose at life.
Point is, it was a bloated Monday.

My morning was fairly normal with a couple of people who didn't hear the alarm.  Also a very bad way to start a Monday.
When I oversleep I go into a rage of anxiety and am completely irrational.  Imagine that.  Next time it happens I should definitely youtube it.  If tons of morons make money off the mess they post, I'm bound to get a few pennies from a 4am freak-out. 

On a more serious note...
Today I had a client tell me about a family member starting a "cleanse" next week.  While I'm not crazy about these things, in extreme cases it does serve as a jump start to weightloss.  She said this young lady was pretty resistant stating that "I shouldn't be judged by my weight/looks."  Boy have I heard this many times.
To which I would say, you're right.  We shouldn't.  That's ideal, but not realistic.  Yes, the goal is to value and love ourselves for the true essence of who we are,'s the kicker....that includes taking care of your physical body.  For me, or any other health professional for that matter, to suggest that someone who is 50+ pounds overweight to lose weight is not a judgmental statement on someone's VALUE as a human being.  Its an assessment of health.  With risks such as heart problems, diabetes, and high blood pressure, I'm often at a loss trying to understand how people are that lazy as to refuse to even make small changes that would improve their quality of life.
Because the truth is, they often talk a big game of "I love myself" and "You shouldn't judge me by my looks", but its generally a defense mechanism towards any introspection and ownership.  I get it.  But look beyond that and see the bigger picture.
One body.
One life.
Your responsibility. 
This should be an empowering thought and yet for many it carries a greater burden than any excess weight.  Because Heaven forbid something take effort, consistency, and a choice to step outside our comfort zones that often are not comfortable at all. 
Long story short, at some point this young woman has to be honest with herself and choose health over a life of denial and defense.

Whew, ok I'm spent.
Time for a little shut-eye and back to the gym in approximately 7.5 hours....but who's counting?...

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