Thursday, September 6, 2012

Blackberry Blow-up

Less than 5 hours of sleep and a face covered in sheet-wrinkles and drool was how my morning started.  It was a sight.
I went to my brother's house last night and didn't get to bed until after 11...might as well be 2am in my sad world.  My days of being able to go to bed late and still manage to function like a normal human being are pretty much over.  But truly, to kiss my nieces goodnight was worth less sleep.  I go badass-to-softy in about 0.6 seconds with those girls.

So there I was taking coffee to the face like I was going for a world record. 
Laying on a mat to demonstrate bridges at 6am was cruel and unusual punishment...I was just one side roll from my ideal snoozing position.  If I stayed there too long it was going to be all she wrote.

The morning went on and it was as if a memo went out around 10am for people to start texting me.  When I look down and see 6 different texts sent at once I am fully aware at that point that my blackberry has turned into a media whore, and I am going to have the worst arthritis flare up by noon.
I may have lost both thumbprints, but I was happy to be available to my clients.  There's a popular quote that says "People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care."  I firmly believe that....especially in my field.  Trainers are a dime a dozen, and some may have a burning passion for fitness, but if you don't care more about the lives you influence and push, you completely miss the bigger picture.

I'm spent.
Its nearly 10pm and my ability to make logical decisions or even hold normal conversation is shot.  I'd sleep right here at the kitchen table if I thought I could handle the salmon stench.
I better crawl up the stairs before all motivation is lost and I'm in fetal position on the table.

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