Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Not Worth A Hernia

I just picked up my shoe from being repaired.
You can imagine the traumatic event of leaving a fabulous heel at a repair shop for 5 days...felt like the universe was off kilter. 
It was an Amber alert for my wardrobe.
5 days and $7 later, we are back in business and all is well.

I swear Wednesdays are 32 hours long.
Its been a great day with clients thus far,...even explaining to my 17 year old boys they are fully capable of picking up after themselves without breaking into hives or passing out.  I will say that some are really good about it, and others have clearly been babied since the time they were on the boob.
I certainly do not mind cleaning up after my clients, BUT there is a difference in picking up 12lb dumbbells versus 75lb dumbbells,...and the difference is a shooting pain near my sacrum and a possible hernia. 
Some things are arguably worth the risk,...a 17 year old walking set of hormones with a deficient frontal lobe, eh not one of them.
Sorry boys, pick up your mess... ;)

New article coming out next week, and right now its looking to be an up close and personal with yours truly.  My life, habits, quirks, and everything in between.  If there is a question you want me to answer simply email me and I just might include it (this is the edited version so keep that in mind.....ok that is mainly directed at a few close friends who would ask something ridiculous).

Well, that's about it for now folks.  Make it a great day...

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