Monday, March 4, 2013

The View from Prison

I am horrible about listening to my voicemail.
Longest minute and 42 seconds of my life. 
And actually feels more like 42 minutes in a prison cell with cast of the View.  I say that because when that show comes on my ears bleed and I can't take it.
Point is, I have voicemails from a week ago that simply need to be erased and I have yet to do it.  Perhaps tomorrow...

It was another Monday in the 'ol sweat room, and clients whined a little less than normal ;)
Eh, kidding...whining doesn't bother me as long as you do it.  Deciding to waste oxygen talking about it is on you.
To say I never whine is a lie,...I can piss and moan with the best of them, but at some point you realize it's pretty pointless.  Unless your goal truly is to waste oxygen.
Then I'd say you are anti-green and the world hates you for it.
Nonetheless it was a solid training day for most, and for those who struggled a little more than usual, you finished.  Period.
New day tomorrow.

My own workout was decent today,...I rolled and stretched afterwards and am finally able to lay on my IT Band without wanting to bang my head against the wall.  I have a massage scheduled for Friday and will be in much need of Ellen's wrath by then.  She laughingly says she's not pressing hard, and yet I'm always one elbow-dig away from threatening her life right there half naked on that table. 
It will be interesting to say the least.  But I can honestly say that everything she's suggested I do, has worked wonders for my physical ailments,....oh the joys of getting older.
...aaaaaand everyone over the age of 30 just gave me the finger.

Bedtime for me.
Tomorrow I want to briefly touch on the topic of "meal vs. snack food"....its come up a lot lately and I think its worth delving into.  Have a great night folks!

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