Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Crappy Vocals

I wish I could sing.
Honestly, I am sitting here watching American Idol and am quite envious of the talent on stage.  If I had an amazing voice I would literally rip the radio out of my car, sing to myself, and give myself a perfect score every time.
If you're riding with me, guess what, free concert.
You're welcome.
Ironically, when I was little I used to sing to my mom and have her give me a score on a scale from 1 to 10.  What a horrible thing to ask Sparkles to do.  Poor thing was probably praying for her eardrums to burst during the chorus to relieve her of the request.  Amazingly, she would grin and bear it.
Truth is, when you can sing well people actually ask you to.
No one's ever asked me to sing.  At least not since 1987 when it involved hand motions, a ruffle skirt, and a 50/50 chance of wetting my pants in front of everyone.  Odds are pretty much the same in that department, although the vocals sub-par for someone with a fully functioning larynx...

Onto more important things.

I mentioned yesterday that I'd address snack vs. "meal" food, so here goes...
One of the most common questions I get asked is "what are some healthy snack options?"  People often get frustrated that it seems easier to prepare a healthy "meal" than to find foods ok for snack time in between.  Common choices people tend to think of are crackers, cheese, yogurt, granola bars, protein bars, pretzels, chips, 100 calorie packs of crap....and the list could go on.  Its as if we've created 2 separate lists in our minds : Meal Food,....and Snack Food.  And for whatever reason we think meal food cannot and should not cross over into a the snack column.  Ideally, your eating times should be evenly spaced throughout the day, and thus meals be similar size in terms of calories.
Truth is, the whole mini-meals concept is great not only because it teaches a little more balanced approach to nutrition and overall calorie breakdown, but it also sort of eliminates this whole division thing we've got going on with food.  Not to mention that a 100 calorie snack isn't going to hold you over 3 more hours until dinner.  Why not balance out the calories and opt for a more substantial "meal", just a smaller version?  Meat and veggies, omelet, or salad with a side of yogurt...
It doesn't have to be a stuff-your-face portion size, but it also does not have to be an eat-3-bites-of-something-simply-because-its-considered-"snack-time" portion size either.
Throw the traditional prepackaged mess away, opt for natural healthy choices, and truly start thinking outside of the box.  Literally.

On that healthy note, its almost past my bedtime.  Pooped....but ready for hump day.  

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