Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Smoked Salmon and Crappy Thoughts

I just completely smoked out my kitchen trying to cook salmon.
Place looks like a war zone with the stench of a fish market.
Great way to cap off a Wednesday.

There are some days which last 24 hours, and others that seem to creep up to 36 and then practically beat the crap out of you by 3pm.
Yep, one of those days.
'Tis roll on...

My workouts have been pretty solid lately, but I've got to get back into my cardio.  Yes, I do it, but I'm not liking it more than I usually don't like it....which means I pretty much loath it.  Not good. 
You cardio queens out there are nuts in my book.  The only thing I envy is being able to buy shoes more often.  Other than that, nothing.
"'Bitter',...Party of one."

On a random note, I've had some of the best/strangest conversations this week, and I honestly wish I had a recorder with me on a daily basis.
When someone begins with "Meredith, I thought of you the other day when...", not going to lie I've learned to keep my expectations low.  Generally, it has to do with working out or eating healthy, etc.  This makes sense.
But when its followed by "...I was on the toilet, and...", I'm a little thrown off.  Don't get em wrong, I can appreciate a good bowel movement.  However, either way that's your time.  Keep me out of it.
I'd rather be thought of when you're not also regretting the breakfast burrito at the same time. 
Thank you.

Speaking of burritos. (Like that transition)
I received a text the other night about speaking to a family member regarding their weight/health.  I know this can be a touchy subject, but let me see if I can offer some insight....

We often throw this idea of voicing concern for someone's health/weight in the same category as verbal abuse.  Paralyzed by fear of their response, we say nothing and continue to watch them basically destroy their body.  And for what?  To avoid the possibility that they just might get upset because, shocker, they are uncomfortable and desire change but simply lack motivation or direction?!  Guess what, CANNOT control their response.  Sure, they may get mad.  Fine.  But it may also be the spark they needed to get moving.
Its amazing to me that we can address substance abuse with tough love and such assertiveness, and yet when it comes to food/weight we're so afraid of offending someone.  Let me throw out a novel idea...
There comes a point when "unhealthy" is not an opinion.
The greatest thing we can do for one another is live in truth, encourage health in all aspects of life, and then live it out ourselves.
Perhaps our greatest fear should be the result of not saying anything.

And for those on the receiving end,...
Consider for a moment the courage it takes to address a very sensitive topic.  Hear them out, and try to understand why they might bring it up. 

Tough stuff...

Well, I'm still swimming in a smog of salmon.  Poor Oscar is losing his mind.
Another hump day in the books.
Night folks.

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