Sunday, November 11, 2012

Busted Pointer

I'm alive.
I honestly do not know where the last 5 days have gone, but somewhere between work, workouts, and waking up ready to roll at 3am, they seemed to have flown by.  Its not that my social calendar is full, I promise.  Nor has there been a lack of stories to tell.  One day I need to wear a recorder and let the world listen in on a day-in-the-life-of...
It would be entertaining to say the least.
You'd probably yell "earmuffs!" about 37 times before noon.
And now some of you need to go watch that movie to know what the heck I'm talking about...

On a love note, my cousin got married this weekend, and I was in charge of make-up.  My primary goal was to avoid anything that remotely looked like a hooker.  That is a fine line when getting all dolled up for the big day. 
If it were truly accurate, we'd all come down the aisle in no make-up, a pair of sweats, and our granny panties while our man stands at the alter biting his nails and adjusting himself in front of hundreds of people.
This is your future.

The wedding went smoothly, but count on my brothers and I to get a case of the giggles.  Luckily, David was sitting in the back with the girls so it wasn't a complete family situation.  My dad would have probably backhanded us all while mom cried shaking her head in disappoinment.
Wouldn't be the first time.
But we stayed as well-behaved as expected for this crowd.

Workouts have been great the last few days, and I am definitely ready to hit the weights tomorrow.  I lifted a little bit today until I managed to nearly crush my right index finger on the bench.
I was adjusting the stupid thing with one hand and the next thing I knew it comes slamming down on my hand and I thought I was going to throw up.  Not the workout ending I expected, but I was bleeding and pretty much wanted to lay in fetal position. 
That always seems to be the go-to move for any kind of doesn't matter.

I've still got a few emails to answer before bed...and a load of laundry to stare at, curse at, and then ultimately fold out of frustration.  The excitement is overwhelming.

Have a great night folks.  New week tomorrow.  Game time.

I managed to nearly destroy my right index finger today.  That was pretty eventful.

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