Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hose Torture and Birthday Wishes

I seriously need to invest in a sprinkler.
Or hire one of the 47 neighboring kids to come water my plants everyday.
I get home and the thought of standing outside holding a hose for another 15 minutes is overwhelming.  You would think its the end of the world.
Its not.
But I literally scroll through articles, facebook, twitter, and instagram on my phone while I do it.  Otherwise, the entire watering process would last about 1.3 minutes before I lost my mind.
Again, why I have not invested in a sprinkler, I have no clue.
Its like punching myself in the ribs at this point.  I am numb and apparently ok with it.

My latest article went up today and I have to say thank you thank you (, for the email/message feedback.  I truly appreciate your kind words, and am thrilled to be a part of your journey in some form or fashion. 
It always amazes me how every story resonates in a different way with each writing.  You people are unbelievable, and your stories of resilience, inspiring.
Thank you for sharing.

Today was Brian's
I met him when he was 25, and I came to him for help recovering from one of the darkest chapters in my life.  I wanted to get healthy again, and he offered an opportunity to not only regain control of my life, but ultimately pave the way for my career.  He kicked my ass with workouts, and honestly there were a few times in the pool I thought I was either going to vomit, punch him, or drown...or all 3 in that exact order.
He always told me I'd make a great trainer and to let him know when I was ready to start after college....well, that was 8 years ago and the rest is history.
Happy Birthday B, and here's to many more!

Another great day in the gym.
Folks were right on point with everything and I was pumped to do a handful of successful weigh-ins today.  My ladies are doing their homework and I love it.  10 pounds here, another 4 pounds there,...very cool.

Ok, bedtime...Busy morning and then time to get the applejuice keg ready for Little Miss P-Diddle.  Girls Night!  Watch out...

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