Sunday, May 12, 2013

Birthday Ladies and Mom's Pom-Poms

First, let me say Happy __th Birthday to my sister-from-another-mother, Jan!

Not sure what my brother had planned for her, but there's a 97% chance it involved chest hair and an Eric Church song.
This is my family.
I judge them constantly.....especially when it involves chest exposure...

We also had another birthday this week, Miss Haven turned 2!!  Complete with a circus-themed party...
You can imagine the irony with my family.
I was in charge of face painting, and honestly felt like I was killing dreams left and right.  Payton excitedly comes up and says "Mena, I want a princess, a fairy, a star, a flower..." that point I was struggling to explain to a 3 year old that my facial-artistic-ability was that of a 3 year old, and she'd be lucky if I could manage a flower that didn't look like a hives breakout on her face.
I have a new respect for people who paint faces at the fair.
Eh,...I take that back...

The party reached a whole new level with the photo-booth. 
Sadly, (but not surprising), the props were not bought or borrowed.  My mom literally has a costume CLOSET at the house.
My only guess is that role-play is out of control in the Parker house.  Mullet wig, check.  Umbrella hat, check. 
Its amazing no one's gotten injured over there.

Here are some pics from Miss Haven's bash...

Lastly, its Mother's Day.
Of course I have to show Sparkles some love.  My God, the woman should receive an award for not losing her mind at some point during the last 32 years.
My mom and I are very different, and yet I find myself "becoming her" daily...minus the sparkles...
She's taught me so much, some things being more important than others (i.e. potty training and sex ed.), but all beneficial.  I am blessed to say she inspires me, challenges me, and is perhaps my #1 cheerleader in life.  Fitting.  I'm certain the woman emerged from the womb with pom-poms and a smile.
So thank you mom, for encouraging me to always improve and move forward.  And thank you for staying off facebook and not teaching dad how to text.
The world is not ready for either of those...

Have a great night folks, time tomorrow!

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