Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Siri, Shut It.

I've got about 20 minutes to spill my brain.
Brace yourself.
I've been on a roll all morning and honestly it makes no sense.
I got less sleep than normal, up at 4, treadmill by 5, 6 cups of coffee (addicted and don't care), and here I am wide eyed and practically running around like a toddler on a fun-dip high.  Give me 2 hours and I will probably crash and burn.  It will be quite a scene.

Today has been an interesting flow of emails/texts.
One of the best came from my sister in-law who apparently has a thing for exclamation points via email.  She jokingly mentioned something about it,...and then ended the sentence with about 7 of them.  I laughed,...and do appreciate some good 'ol punctuation excitement.
However, when I read emails like that on my phone I feel as though Siri is screaming at me.  Siri should not scream.  And by the end of that email, she was hoarse.  It was great though and made me laugh!  Look, I used one,...just one,...point made, emotion expressed, and no one lost an eardrum...
My whole family seeps of enthusiasm,..its pretty unbelievable.
If I found out I was adopted I wouldn't be upset.  It would all make sense.

Another text rolled in today, and I honestly hear this quite often...
"How can I get my husband/wife to care more about their health??"
This question honestly plagued me when I initially got into the fitness/health industry.  I would listen to people for hours go on about a person's habits, moods, likes and dislikes trying to figure out the best way to approach it.  And not to say it was all in vain.  It wasn't.  That is extremely important with what I do, however its not just about the best program, plan of attack, or behavior changes when it comes to this.
Fact is, and what I told this young woman, that "you cannot make him care about his health." 
Its unfortunate because if that were the case, the obesity rate would not be climbing through the roof.  But at the end of the day HE/SHE must decide for themselves to give-a-you-know-what.  Because forced behavioral changes will only last for so long before the person begins to resent the entire "health-journey" as a whole.  Why?  Because it does not resonate with a deeper, greater desire within themselves to change.  Its a bandaid trying to cover and fix a fracture. 

I truly hate hearing stories like that because a lack of self respect/care in terms of health permeates every aspect of one's life and relationships.  It can absolutely revolutionize peoples' lives if they dare to make their only body a priority before they are forced to make it a priority due to problems which could have been avoided.
Again,...Your body.  Your responsibility.

Signing off....afternoon peeps await :)

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