Monday, April 15, 2013

Breast Feeding of the 5000

My intentions of blogging yesterday were pretty much shot down by 9pm as I was trying to get my mess together for another crazy week.
So here I am.
Grabbing Monday by the horns, pancreas, everything in between, and holding on for dear life.

Weekend was good, and I honestly got some much needed rest.  I slept until 8am yesterday.
I woke up in a near freak-out like I'd wasted an entire day,...the clock said 8:02.  Slight overreaction.
Then I proceeded to stay in my pajamas until noon.  Who am I?!  Had I not showered and started doing solo whip-its in the closet, my best friend would have showed up for an intervention.
I take that seriously.
It took me awhile to get to that point, but in all seriousness when I had my metabolism tested several years ago it was a huge wake up call that my body was constantly exhausted and I needed rest.  No, it doesn't mean I sit on my butt the entire weekend, but I'm smart about slowing down and listening to my body.  Fact is your body does not build muscle during exercise.  It repairs itself and grows during rest.
All this talk makes me want to crawl into fetal position ASAP.
Preferred left-side sleeper.
Right is ok, but only sub-par.

My Sunday night ended with some exciting news from my college roommate.  She said "Mer, I have something to tell you."
That either meant she was calling from prison, or she was knocked up....or both.
Baby on the way!!!  Woohoo!  More young minds to influence...
I always get excited (and nervous) when my friends procreate.  Its scary.  I know way too many stories.  We laughed and discussed everything from names to her current breast size.
Yes, its unbelievable.
She was always "gifted" in that department, and now she's well on her way to being a milking station at the fair.
I remember one time in college I jokingly put her bra on my head.
There was still room in that canopy she called a brazier.

But needless to say it was a very cool ending to the weekend. :)

On a fitness note, my Monday was pretty standard,...although never a dull moment by any means.
I'd say it was a rough day in terms of nutrition-catch-up with folks, and I had to reel a few people back in.  I find that people often get on this lifestyle-change-kick, flow with it beautifully for about a month and then its like all of a sudden small dips spiral into this resentment of sorts towards the changes they initially wanted.
I think its a combination of a few things:...expectations, focus, and discipline.
We live in a society where everything is fast and convenient.  We expect fast results regardless of how realistic they are, and we fight patience and persistence like its our job.  Then we lose focus.  Its not that one day we wake up and totally forget everything we desired and the goals we set for ourselves. Rather, we stop paying attention to the little details and habits that ultimately get us to our goal and become the foundation for our better selves.
Lastly,...discipline.  The day in, day out grind is tough.  Its change, and in some cases it is in stark contrast to former behaviors and habits.  I get it.  But the beauty of discipline is that when our desire to change is led with realistic expectations and daily refocus, the discipline it takes to execute the plan turns on with ease. 
Yes, it will be hard at times.
But what's a better option?  Give up?....Exactly.
Keep moving.

Well, that's it for me tonight.
I've answered emails, watched Oscar vomit off the side of a chair, all in all a full night. 
I have big expectations for Tuesday...

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