Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Grandma's On A Roll...

To say I've taken a bit of a hiatus in my writing would be an understatement.
The past few months have been a whirlwind of building my business here in Manhattan, enjoying the city life as much as possible, getting adequate rest, and drinking adequate coffee to sustain #1 and #2.  The general consensus is that apparently you will rest when you die, and "enough caffeine" is merely an illusion.  But yay for the challenge!

On a related note, people often ask me how I like the city seeing as its been over a year now since moving from NC. 
I love it.
I do.
Its chaotic, busy, will drain you,...and yet the energy of such craziness pulls and you can't help but want more.  One thing I am tremendously grateful for is life in a shoe box.  Sounds crazy, but when you're forced to get rid of 75% of your mess, you realize its just STUFF to begin with. 
Nic-nacs are the decorative spawn of grandmother just rolled over in her grave for the second time.  (The first being when I fell in love with a yankee).
Now don't get me wrong, I have no intention of raising a family in this space,...there's not enough meds in the state of NY for that, however it works for now.  And well, when you're paying roughly $4.50/sq ft, you realize that adding another room may force you into a questionable second job and a disappointed father.
Tempting, but no...

I am reminded of how different life is when I visit family every few months in NC.  The potential for seeing a rat is relatively low (always a positive), it doesn't smell like hot poo, and nothing beats a highway drive in the afternoon with the windows down.  You gotta take the good from each chapter of life and appreciate the small things. ;)

My own training is going well, and everyday I'm reminded that my body needs more care/recovery than several years ago.  I say this like I'm 2 years from adult diapers and a walker, but the 'ol post-30 joints don't feel 22 anymore.
I continue to lift heavy, get in cardio when I can, and simply maintaining right now until I gear up for another strength phase in a few weeks.  The biggest thing for me is making sure I get enough sleep.  I'm averaging about 5 hours right now, which is not ideal at all.  It leaves me looking haggard and a walking health hazard for my first 2 clients each morning.
They joke that I have zero sympathy at that time of day, and yeah they are probably correct. ha.
But cheers to getting up and starting the day off with a dose of weight-training, tough love, and desire to curse your trainer.  A win for everyone!

In more exciting news, I'm currently putting together some information/curriculum if you will for newbie trainers.  Beyond the textbook program design and understanding exercise variations, it deals more with the interpersonal aspect of training.  Communication, body language, understanding different personalities and how that will impact your effectiveness as a coach, psychological differences in training men vs. women, etc etc...
Its jam packed full of stuff from 11 years experience and information derived from other well-respected and successful coaches in the industry.
My inspiration for this sparked as I watched trainers come in and out of the "job" one after another like it was just a pit-stop along their career path, ultimately unable to establish themselves.  They were missing something.  They were missing something HUGE.  And regardless if they ever went back into a career in this industry, their experience with a client ultimately effects me.  Why?  Because I can't tell you the number of times a client has come to me with a story that begins with something along the lines of: "my last experience with a trainer was horrible,...I didn't feel like they even paid attention to me."  Or, "my last trainer pushed me too hard and I always left feeling like a failure."
Whether the stories are true doesn't matter, it is how the person perceived the experience so it is ultimately their reality.  Thus, it will influence their expectations in OUR session. 
I get a little fired up about this because our ability to either encourage or crush self-confidence is tremendous.  
All that to say, I'm working on this information to help mentor aspiring coaches,...and I always welcome client feedback, so please email me if you have some thoughts on this topic.  It helps make us better coaches, and well, I can always appreciate an email titled "You are a pain in my butt,...literally."
...gotta love my folks' candidness.

Well, its back to the grind....gearing up for my evening clients.  With only 3 cups of coffee today, this should be interesting for all parties involved...

Monday, August 24, 2015

One Year Later...

I just took an unbelievable power nap.  I say it like I'm ready to run 10 miles before taking over the world.  Not exactly.  But on a positive note, I'm not ripping my eyes out in sheer exhaustion.
Sunday win.

Its been a hectic week as I covered for a few colleagues getting in one last summer vacation.  I still don't know what day it is, but had a blast throwing in some new peeps on the crazy train.  Sweat, laugh, push harder, repeat.  Never a dull moment, that's for sure.
The best moment came when one guy said "Your nice smile is just so deceiving.  My glutes hate you."
Ha,'re welcome.  Its no secret that men often dislike any type of leg training. *Not ALL, but I rarely meet an average gym-going male who is thrilled to squat, lunge, or do anything that will cause soreness in the posterior region.  I'm convinced if they had to wear yoga pants on a daily basis, they would do squats until blue in the face.
These guys love yoga pants.
Apparently on the 7th day God made yoga pants,...and Adam cheered.
So needless to say, after a couple of sessions there was a new appreciation for total body training,...and relaxed fit jeans.

NYC Life and Leisure...

I am truly convinced that I will either be severely injured by a taxi or a pigeon.
Both are absolutely ruthless in NYC, but its the pigeons that are sending me over the edge.

In a city of millions, these God forsaken birds are simply not phased by human beings.  It never fails that as I'm trecking it across town, I come extremely close to punting a few on accident.  I used to feel bad about this, as I am not one to wish harm on an animal for no reason,...HOWEVER this was before one went all kamikaze on my head last week.
I went slow motion Matrix-style to dodge the flying hazard, and nearly gave myself whiplash.
It suddenly put the quiet subway rats in perspective....they might be gross, but at least their not in my face.

Hard to believe that it was exactly a year ago this Thursday that I flew up for interviews.
I remember seeing the skyline thinking holy crap, is this real?  Am I ready?  I'm literally leaving everything I know.  And then like clockwork, the details of how my life would be if I ignored my internal "yes" and continued my path would play in my head.
It was the greatest internal battle between what is and what could be and NEEDS to be, that I've ever experienced.  Even to the point that others' belief in me or lack there of became irrelevant.  Not that I didn't value the support or want it in my life, but the fact was that it was MY personal conviction and determination, focus, and willingness to work hard that would make the difference,....not their opinion.
Talk about some eye-opening moments.  NY will do it to you, that's for sure.
Looking back, I am so thankful for the struggles.  Sometimes what we may perceive as "closed doors" are merely hurdles... 
Just jump.  Leap.  Get off your butt and be willing to do whats necessary to get over it!  Believe me, I say this to myself just as much as I do my clients.

One year...
I've learned so much, but the one theme which surfaces every time is Change...Its inevitable, necessary, but how we grow within it and respond to it is ultimately a choice. 
We will either be an agent of change, sensing a necessary step from what we've always known towards something new and greater to fulfill our purpose,...being open to struggles, growing pains, and the opportunities along the way.
OR, we will travel life's path as a victim of change,...with constant opposition to anything outside of the familiar, "safe", or comfortable.  Refusing to relinquish control and adapt to any potential growth opportunity for fear of the unknown.  Its the infamous "life happens TO me" mentality, and there is nothing more confining.

The changes I've initiated and/or adapted to over the last 365 days range from a smaller living space to a constant reminder that despite experience, experise, and desire within your field, in this city you are replaceable. Talk about a tough pill to swallow,...and yet when this reality sets in and really sets in, you will either cave or seek excellence Every.  Single.  Day.
Not merely being great at what you do, but actually DEFINING what you do.
For this extra push, I am grateful.

So cheers to one year...The good, the hard, and the scary.  Its been a beautiful ride so far and here's to much more ahead... :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Forgotten Skippy and Lonely Pam

It is an absolutely gorgeous day in the city.
Clear blue sky, light breeze, and thank God low humidity.  After Monday morning I was fairly certain I would die at the hands of humidity.  In theory I should be used to the sauna-like feeling, but people forget that in the south we go from our air conditioned homes, to an air conditioned car, to another air conditioned building, and that 20 second walk between each may be the longest 20 seconds of our life, but we endure because we are tough, but mainly because sweet freon awaits...
All that to say that waiting on the subway platform in 95 degrees is equivalent of waiting in a heated port-a-Jon,...without the momentary relief when your pants drop.
So cheers to a cooler day with a breeze.
...its the small things.

The last two weeks have been quite the grind since our return from Florida.
Vacation was absolutely wonderful,....sleeping in past 4am,...reading books,...taking naps,...laying by the pool, was pretty much exactly what we needed.  I'm sure my clients were ready for me to tone it down a notch.  God bless them.  Ha

The return flight was not exactly what I needed, and I basically left any sanity I gained from that trip right there in the Tampa airport...
It started out as a normal trek through security: shoes off, put your mess in the bin, wait for the person in front of you to realize the line is moving before glaring at them and their 3 bins, hands in the air, and then grab and go.
Well, my grab-n-go part wasn't exactly that.  They grabbed my bags and said they needed to do a full search.  Ok fine, its 6am, at this point you argue with no one only because its 6am and no one in their right mind has enough energy to do so.
Not even me...and I was on my 3rd cup of coffee.
So I stepped aside as they pulled out my jar of peanut butter and explained it was over 3 ounces and had to go.  Fine.  Take my peanut butter deliciousness if you must.
Side note: if I were to try and sneak something on a plane, it would definitely be peanut butter. 
...But I did later find out peanut butter is often used to smuggle drugs.
A little warning about this would have been nice before some stranger is man handling my skippy.

Next thing I know they are literally pulling every. single. thing. out of my luggage.  The game of tetris I had to play to get all that crap to fit was now going up in flames and my underwear was being exposed to all of Tampa travelers.
Then I'm asked to step aside for a full pat-down.
Here we go...
The woman spoke so fast I could hardly keep up, and all I caught were a few words here and there about the back of her hand, inseam, and breasts.  Again, it was 6am, I blacked out right after my skippy was confiscated.

She did ask if I'd prefer this little checking-for-hidden-needles ordeal in a private if it would be more comfortable behind closed doors with a stranger,
Ummm, no thanks...I'd prefer to be completely violated in front of as many people as possible.  Lets just get the full effect.
So there I was,....suitcase open, clothes out, peanut butter gone, and one squeeze away from a total mammogram.
30 minutes later I managed to somewhat reorganize my suitcase and regain some decency to face the world.  It was not pretty, but it would work.

The story doesn't end there.
By this time on a scale from 1 to totally crazy/irritated, I was a solid 8....Alanis Morissette status.  Like, be carfeul I might be tired but I might just go nuts on you type thing.
But I had all my things and was ready to board.  I roll my carry-on and whats left of my dignity up to the gate when Pam smiles and stops me.  Ahh!!  What?!
My bag was too big.  By literally an inch.
An inch.
She wanted to check it and I could go to baggage claim in NY.  At that moment I felt like Ben Stiler in Meet The Parents when he has death grip on his bag and threatens the flight attendant to take it.
That was me.
Chris looked at me like Oh dear God she's gonna blow. 
Pam couldn't stop smiling....ugh Pam stop it with your rules and positivity!! 

....As my bag was taken and I was led to the plane, I concluded 3 things from my experience:
1. Peanut Butter is not always worth fighting for
2. Refrain from sarcasm during your pat-down, is not funny to the stranger who's hand is on your inseam
3. Pam made zero friends that day

The smell of hot sewer welcomed me back, and I was ready to roll. 
NYC, hello beautiful...

****Exciting news to come on next post!!!


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Year 32 watch out....

Where to begin...?...

Well, I officially made it to 32 years old.  I will  not sit here and play whoa-is-me as if to say its old....its not...however, there was a time in my life when I truly thought life ended at 28.  Maybe I associated it with having kids, eh, my eggs are still marinating.  Nonetheless, I stand corrected.  Life only gets better and more interesting if you choose it to be...

Every birthday I spend some time reflecting on the past year...triumphs, mistakes, and any ridiculousness that took place to remind me that life is too short not to laugh at yourself, with others, and to yourself about others.  Don't judge yourself for the latter, because at some point you become the reason they chuckle behind closed doors.  You little spark of entertainment, you.
So this year I thought about my journey to NYC.
It was at my birthday dinner the year before that I broke the news to my friends I was moving up here.  Naturally, we celebrated with late night dancing and a mechanical bull.
31, you were one heck of a year.
A few things I learned:

* Opportunities do not have legs to walk to you.  Create them.  Go find them.

* True friends absolutely celebrate your successes as if they were their own.

* Where there is a will, there is a way 10 ways.  Figure it out and GO.

* Nay-sayers will always exist.  You ultimately decide if their voice is heard.

* Money does not buy happiness, but I'm happier with $50 than with $0.

* Showing your breasts in public is legal in NYC.

* Its more than loyalty to a company.  You must be loyal to a greater calling to hard-work and drive to not only be the best at what you do, but to define what you do.

* What doesn't challenge you doesn't change you.

* Learning a few phrases in Italian to surprise your boyfriend = win.  Add hand gesture = foot massage.

* The greatest thing you can do for yourself is believe in your capacity to overcome.  Its not expecting to be perfect and gracefully endure life's challenges, but rather relentlessly pursuing BETTER because it is so engrained in your heart and mind that mediocrity and "good enough" are no longer an option.

* Having a vagina gets you a cab quicker than having a penis.

Honestly, the list is pretty lengthy and amazes me that its been a full year, 1 move, job change, new relationship, and lots of coffee later,...and here we are.
32 looks to be a great year...

In the fitness arena, life is hectic and constantly giving me material.
I was farted on today.
This is actually more common than you'd think, and if you're a trainer for any substantial amount of time, it will happen.  Period.  And here are the scenario/rules:
a) If the client ignores it, you ignore it.  I don't care if it sounds like a tsunami, you play deaf and continue to count reps until you are blue in the face and gasping for breath.
b) If they laugh, it suddenly becomes fair game BUT you must stop when they stop.  Farts are funny, yes, but don't laugh like you've never let one rip at an undesirable time.  You are guilty too, and the difference is that now they are paying you to shut up.  So shut up.
c) If they ignore it but you still laugh,...make up a story fast because you look like a jerk.

These are the things they don't teach you in the certification courses.  The next topic I'll cover at some point is what to do when your client says he'd risk consequences of choking you rather than to do another set of squats.
Where's the love?...

Well, its about that time.  I need meat and veggies right now, and then to start packing for vacation!  Ah, I can't wait to hit the beach.  I will look like a glowstick my first day out there until I get some color.
Its ridiculous, but I seriously haven't been this pale in years.  I can't wear white anymore.  It all blends in and I look topless.

Have a good night folks,...make tomorrow exceptional.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Look Ma, No Hands!

I will pick up sweaty weights all day, hug a sweaty client, and even lay on the floor to demonstrate an exercise.  But so help me God, I refuse to touch the rails on the subway.
I'm not a compulsive person when it comes to sanitation, but you would think I'd contract AIDS from a 4 minute commute.  I test my balance daily by assuming the "surfing" position on the train, squeeze the glutes, and pray for the best.  I am determined not to touch the rails.
This has all worked well for me until the other day when it was crowded, I was tired, and when we jolted forward quickly, I momentarily forgot about my fear and grabbed the rail.  It was like that scene from the Sex In The City movie when Charlotte accidentally gets a mouthful of water during an outdoor shower in Mexico.  She freaks out, starts spitting, and then craps her pants.
To clarify, no bowel movement occurs as a result of my unintentional rail-grasp, however I am now battling a horrible cold and I blame the 5 Express train.
If it turns into the HIV virus, it will be the one time I didn't want to be right...


We've had a lot of rain in the last few days, so when the sun came out this morning I was nearly jumping up and down.  Almost attempted a cartwheel.  *Almost.
My day began with a client in Central Park, which is always a blast.  Between the beautiful weather and the amazing people-watching, I'm pretty much ready to face my Wednesday.
As I waited for my client to arrive, I became the sole witness of a morning altercation between a man and a young mother. 
His dog wasn't on a leash, and her son wasn't in the stroller.
Dog approaches kid.  Kid reaches out.  Mom shouts "You should have your dog on a leash!"  And from there came the natural adult version of I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I?....His response was simply a loud "Well you should have your child on a leash!"
I wanted to laugh and yet I saw the size of the dog and was 2 cups of coffee shy of unloading the appropriate amount of sarcasm to make anyone cry or being able to run for my life. 
Such a fine line.


 Life in the gym is rolling along and keeping me busy. 
Hard to believe I've been here 8 months already.  Its June and I have no tan.  First time E-V-E-R.  Chris reminds me all the time "This is the north, babe."  As if to politely say my blinding pale legs are acceptable. 
Meanwhile I'm trying to find the balance in applying enough blush to avoid looking like a polio victim, but not too much to look like a hooker. 
Another fine line.

In all seriousness though, skincare is definitely emphasized much more here.  Women wear hats, avoid the sun altogether, and pack sunscreen in their purses.  Its certainly an area of my own health that I am striving to improve upon.  For the longest time I was a sun-worshiper.  Throughout college you could find me skipping class to lay out, and for every year since I can remember by the pool on the weekends. 
Now at this chapter in life I'm taking "white girl" to a whole new level.
If it wasn't for my dance moves, I'd be a complete lost cause.  Thank you mom, I will continue to shake what you gave me.
So for now I am striving to be ok with my lighter hue and stay away from any black-lights.
*Related: If you still have one of these after 1994 I withhold judgement.  You should judge yourself.

Long day ahead and this cold needs to find its way out of my sinuses before 4am.
Because lets be honest, the only thing I want on/in my face that early in the morning is coffee.  Caffeine.
Fresh.  Ground.  Beautiful.

So cheers to rest, regeneration, and caffeinated sanity :) 


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Slowly Dying on Stand-by...

Where do I begin?...
Its a cloudy Sunday and I am fighting the urge to nap.  Normally, I don't fight it, I just submit and pray for the beast upon awakening.  However, I've decided that averaging 3+ naps a day is not ideal for a grown woman.
I currently have a similar schedule to my nephew....who is still on the boob....this is quite alarming.
Nonetheless, here I am ready to roll.  My attempts to stay on a regular blog schedule remain sub-par, and I have absolutely no excuses except that ever since I moved to the city I hardly know what day it is.  Its an odd phenomenon considering I do not have dementia and remain sober 98% of the time...

This past week was beyond crazy, as I returned late from a trip to NC.  Let me clarify that my intentions and plans were to return on Monday morning.  Well, Delta had another plan.
Apparently showing up to the Airport only 30 minutes before your flight is "frowned upon" to the point they will not let you check in.
Let me start by politely saying this is crap.
...30 minutes is plenty of time to get my ticket, a pat-down, and be at the gate with my $9 water ready to go.  No one consulted me on these rules, so there I stood as irritated as a human can be at 6:30am in the Special Services line.
There was nothing special about it.
I was at the mercy of a worker to book me on the next available flight, and was 15 seconds from a complete meltdown.  I had a full work day ahead, and just came off of 3 days of not working out, so I was practically shaking from the need to pick up something heavy, sweat a little, and even experience a good near-death experience under the squat bar to make me appreciate life.
I can't explain this mindset, us meatheads are a different breed.

Long story short, I sat in that God forsaken airport for over 9 hours. 
9 hours.
Mom suggested it helped me work on my patience.  Don't you hate it when someone tries to be all positive and pour rainbows into the cesspool of bitterness you are currently wading in?!
I didn't want to work on my patience.  I wanted to work on getting my rearend back to NYC.
The woman had loving intentions, and there I was just pissed off and ready to test my sprint time on the tarmac.
The flights were so oversold they were offering $1300 vouchers for people to take a later flight.  Of course it was the one time I didn't have a seat to give up.  And by hour 4 of my "patience test", I was willing to give up more than a seat.  You get desperate and suddenly you're pawning off morals like gold and preparing for the "I'm so disappointed..." speech. 
But when I finally made it on a plane around 5pm that day, I've never been so excited to hear the safety procedure and get my free nuts.  I was too tired to be bitter that the serving size was made for a baby hobbit, and just wanted to get home.
6:45 plane lands.
Client at 7:30.
Monday was not over, and so the week began...

Time in NC was absolutely wonderful with family, and Sparkles had no idea I was coming.  That was the best part.  She definitely squealed and it made my day that she was excited.  Being the middle child you just never know when you're gonna get the shaft...ha just kidding. 
I kept thinking about how just a year ago I was working, planning for life in NC, and then WHAM another plan lay ahead.  Months later I'm in NYC adapting to the smell of subway filth and constantly answering the question "where are you from?.."
Having a southern accent up here is like rocking a "birthday girl" sash...minus the glitter and potential hazing.  Point is, they love it and if they want to give me free coffee for it, by all means dear friend don't let me stop you.


Life in the gym has picked up and between workouts, clients, and growing my business, I'm still very dependent on caffeine to fuel the madness.  My own workouts are kicking my butt and the latest nutrition adjustments are proving to be pretty solid.  As of now, I'm still on track to compete in August, but if I get there and feel like I need a few more weeks to prepare, then I'm going to take it.  Plain and simple.
When you get on the stage like that its already nerve racking enough knowing its very subjective, so no need to add to the anxiety if I can just pick another show.  My cut is really slow, which is fine but still challenging when you naturally want instant gratification.
We are wired this way, and I constantly address this issue with clients.
It sounds all well and good, and yet extremely difficult to execute because life is crazy, emotions effect us, sleep effects us, relationships, and our own motivation levels on any given day.  Think about it, often can we testify to a point in our life when we followed a nutrition plan or fitness routine for only a brief period before realizing the amount of pure will power needed was either more than we had, or more than we were willing to give?
Happens everyday.
That's job security for me,...but I struggle with it too.  Why?  Because it takes focus and discipline.  Two things that we all want more of, but maintain lifestyles ill-prepared to sustain habits grounded in them.  We fall susceptible to extreme all-or-nothing mentalities as well as total apathy. 
Perhaps we're not completely opposed to working towards a goal, but too often our level of commitment does not match the level of results we desire.  In essence, we are aiming for the moon with both eyes closed and using a slingshot.

If there is one piece of advice I can pass along regarding all this its understand the expectations.  Understand that goals take time, involve setbacks, require a certain level of sheer will that you may even struggle to produce in that moment.  And most of all, expect that no matter how minor or major your goal may be, ALL require consistency to get there.
Day in, day out.
Put down your slingshot and climb in your spaceship. 
What you'll find is that your ability to do whats required of you is there, but the execution of those actions is a constant choice.  Decide what you want.  Decide to be consistent.  Then go.

* * *

Well, I'm practically glued to this seat and pretty sure our waiter thinks I'm going to get carpal tunnel before leaving this place.  Probably true.
Before I sign off, just a reminder to send any questions you want me to address on my blog.  I received a few emails the other day and am working on those right now :).

Cheers to Sunday.  Go make it great.

Friday, April 17, 2015

My Only Option is a Scooter...

...just woke up from a nap.  Its a rough site, but cheers to new levels of sanity...

Well, its mid-April and I have officially retired the winter coat.
I survived my first full winter in New York City.
Yes, there were moments when I couldn't feel my extremities.  And I may or may not have stuck the hair dryer under my shirt at work in efforts to avoid frostbite.  *Note: its not weird if it is problem-solving.  This rule has made for many questionable life choices,...I am fully aware of this fact.
But ah yes, here we are finally experiencing Spring and I am beyond excited.
Plans this weekend involve Central Park and some frolicking.
Can't wait.

I had a true New York experience the other day.
I almost died crossing 3rd Ave.
Its true, cannot assume that drivers see you, the red light, or apparently the cop sitting at the intersection.  Its 6am and I had the walk signal.  So there I was headphones in, just cranking along to some Janet Jackson, because its only natural to feel like a total badass while listening to What Have You Done For Me Lately, and one must feel this way before facing the next 12 hours of madness.
I was in the midst of my 1986 dream, when I noticed a jeep approaching to my left that was not slowing down.  I stop, and suddenly he slams on breaks and skids about 5ft in front of me into the intersection.
Surprisingly, I can't say that "my life flashed before my eyes" (probably because the highlights make me look like a heathen), it was more a thought of "holy crap you idiot, but ehh I'm too tired to get mad."  I made my way around the moron and towards the gym.
I considered wearing reflectors and a helmet after that, but quickly decided getting hit was the better option.
On a positive note, I'm here in one piece.

Speaking of, several coworkers recommended I bike to work to save time.  HA....Ok, for those of you who know me, this thought is absolutely laughable.  I literally have not been on a bike in over 15 years, and even then I should have received numerous DUIs on that Huffy.  Not for being under the influence of substances, but under the influence of horrible response time and questionable operation skills of anything involving wheels, brakes, and seat that felt like a torture device.
I have no business operating a bike in NYC...for the sake of everyone's health...mainly mine...

Ah yes, health...
Gym life is rocking on as usual.  Chris is really pushing me with this competition prep by keeping my lifting heavy, increasing cardio, and repairing my metabolism with a solid meal plan.
My strength has increased tremendously,...looking to max out in May on Deadlift at 255, bench 145, and squat 205.
Sprints are going great, but I am constantly amazed by how much time I have to spend rolling, stretching, and just realigning everything.  This 'ol machine operates a little differently at 31 than it did at 21 ;)
I say that like I need a cane and endless supply of asprin.
I might.

I'll leave you on more of a serious note with this question and a few thoughts...
Are YOU standing in your own way?
I thought about this quite a bit this week as a couple of clients emailed me with struggles.  Perhaps some of it was related to the inevitable realization that change is hard and takes time.  And no matter how much we remind ourselves of this fact, being patient and consistent in our daily lives to move forward and stay focused becomes a battle.  Why?  Because we battle the very essence of who we were, are, and desire to be
That's why the other part of the puzzle lies much deeper and often becomes an autonomous response to the world around us.
Look at your lifestyle.  What habits, things, people, and even continual self-talk holds you back from where you want to go and who you want to be?
Its not an easy question to answer because at the root of it is a perceived need.  A need we feel we have for these things/people.  Ironically, they stand in our way,...WE stand in our way because we refuse to let go.
The truth is, at some point you must let go because change is a choice and responsibility is our own.
You deserve to get out of your own way and experience your best self.  Once you fully believe that and long to genuinely live it out, you'll begin cultivating a path to success.
A path created by you,...and for you.

Make today great folks.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fun in Dysfunction...

Warm, cold, sun, snow, body is so confused right now.  The calendar says Spring and yet I'm practically rocking a snuggie to work in the morning.
Its cold.
And as much as I enjoy suffocating in a scarf, warmer weather would be welcomed with open arms... a tank top...preferably mesh.  Ok kidding, my redneck side is showing.  Dear God turn it off before I unknowingly spit in public.
 *Note: College roommates are not allowed to comment on this one.

Whew, what a crazy few weeks.
Since last post I've been working like crazy and managed to drag my beau to NC to meet the family.  Of course the day we were trying to leave was the same day mother nature decided to dump snow on NY, forcing us to leave the following day.  After being put on hold by Delta for more than 2 hours, I wanted at least a pat on the back for not making ridiculous threats or losing my religion over the phone.  Apparently those are no longer handed out.
I can't complain though, we got to the airport ready to go and found out we were upgraded to first class.  To be completely honest, this was my first experience in the tah-tah section, and I could almost hear my mom's voice "Be on your best behavior".  To this day I have yet to fully understand what that entails,...which explains a lot.  My "best" is questionable.
I will tell you this though, I was disturbed to find out that the package of peanuts is substantially larger and coffee is served in a real mug.  Game changer.  You mean to tell me that this whole time I've been sitting behind that polyester midget curtain, they've been making it rain with mixed nuts?
Throw in a few pecans and a back rub and you can reschedule my flight anytime.

We had a wonderful time with the fam, and I could not WAIT to see my nieces and nephew.  My brothers may be under the slight impression that I love their offspring more than them.  Ehhh....fair. ;)
It felt like a whirlwind trip, but great to get away from the city for a few days, hang out with the Parker crew, and show Chris just how much fun dysfunction can be...
Getting to hug mom was probably one of the best things about the weekend.  We cried some, laughed a lot, and just had a great time.
She is still in a cast from her foot surgery, but now wheeling around on a scooter the doctor prescribed.
Ummm yes, I definitely had to ride that thing.  And there is just something odd about being in a room and seeing your mom out of the corner of your eye whiz by on a scooter.  What a health hazard.
Fairy hair, a purple cast, and now a scooter,...I don't even know what to do with that...
Rock on mom, rock on.

We managed to get in a couple of workouts at ActivEdge, and yes, it did feel a little different walking into the gym for only the second time since I left in October.  It still feels comfortable, and I was glad Chris got to see where training all started for me.  That was special.  Plus, I got to see him throw around some weight.
Some leaders inspire mainly with their words, Chris inspires by DOING.  Man of action,...I like it.

Since then its been back to the grind.  Life is good.  Crazy, but good.  I have several new clients who are pumped about change and then curse me a little during the workout...its a good balance.  Big shout out to my gal Emily who continues to make strides and down 14 pounds.  Awesome.  And to Samantha who came to me struggling to do 1 push-up, and now cranks out sets of 12.
You go girl.
You push hard because life is hard.  Because you're worth it.  Because life was not meant to be watched from the sidelines.
Very exciting things going on with these folks. :)

Well, its about that time for yours truly.  After 9pm I get cranky and unreasonable....shocking, I know. 
Make tomorrow EXCEPTIONAL and get after it.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Eat, Sleep, Workout, Sleep,...Sleep,...Eat...

I'm taking my narcoleptic tendencies to a new level....I've had a disgusting total of 15 naps in the last 6 days.
For all those times in kindergarten when I refused to sleep on my germ-infested red and blue mat,...I curse myself.  Life is getting me back.
And the sad truth is that I could easily fall asleep again right now.  I completely judge myself.

I honestly think most of it has to do with my training phase.  I'm lifting as heavy as possible, going high intensity on my cardio, and probably doing the most volume I've ever done in one training phase.  I'm loving it, but am totally wiped out.  If it wasn't for having my carbs through the roof and taking yams to the face like its my job, I'm not sure I'd make it through the workouts.  Well, I would but just with a few other choice words and perhaps some tears.
Side note: one should never cry in spandex.  (Its an unwritten life rule).
So here I am marinading in my fatigue for a bit and longing for a massage, more naps, and an inject-able form of coffee...
Also related, I broke my iced coffee maker this week.  Yes, it was catastrophic and I wanted to cry.  I mourned for a few days and wept through a few improvised cups with ice and regular Joe, but it was like giving a child the off-brand Cherrios.  "Toasted Rounds" just sounds as horrible as throwing 5 ice cubes in searing coffee and praying for the best.
...Congrats, you're now a questionable parent for lying to your child and I'm a questionable human being for lying to myself.
Life is once again not fair...

In other news, its been an awesome week with clients.  My ladies are stepping up in major ways.  From hitting new PR's on lifts, to fearlessly trying things they haven't done in years.
Its awesome and I applaud them.
But I have to send some special appreciation out to my lady Lynn.  At 76 years old, she is a pistol and constantly wants to improve.  I love it. 
And the other day she made me laugh so hard I nearly choked.
There we were in the middle of a set working on balance, when she looks up at my co-worker doing tricep dips with chains hanging over his shoulders.  Its a common way to add weight to most any body-weight exercise, but apparently suggested a little more to Lynn...
"Meredith, that looks like something from 50 Shades of Grey,..."
I nearly died.
I am generally prepared for anything that comes out of peoples mouths (including my own), but this one caught me off guard. Before I knew it, she was giving her full synopsis of the book series.  Suddenly I imagined if I were analyzing this with my own grandmother, and then quickly realized I envied her candidness.  Not that I shy away from bluntness myself, but that at 76 years old she lacked no wit, guts, and pure honesty.
...and no, I will never look at those chains the same again...
Cheers to you, Lynn.

* * *

Big week ahead.  I'm cramming in 6 days worth of clients into 3, and then have a mini-vacation planned.  Me and my Yankee-man are headed south for a few days :)
He will officially get a dose of the Parkers, and thus never be the same.
My thinking is that if I haven't managed to offend or scare the crap out of him, neither will Sparkles or the rest of the crew.
At this point its almost a challenge.....Of course I accept. and stories to come...

Well, its about that time.
My 24 hour break is almost over and then its back to the grind.  The to-do list is eying me like the last biscuit, and I'm 5 seconds from a panic attack or complete OCD domination of check boxes to complete.
Yes, its a love/hate relationship that I keep coming back to in utter denial that its more love than hate.  Ehhh...

So here's to a new week folks!  Make it amazing.  Do great things.  Stop wasting time and MOVE.  Go be your beautiful self...

Monday, February 16, 2015

Pedestrian Hazard

First time in New York that I am blogging from the comfort of my bed.
Yes, after 4 months, I finally bought internet service.  Its amazing I didn't go through withdrawal...or get kicked out of Starbucks.
Actually, there are only 2 reasons I would ever get kicked out of a coffee shop....1) for saying something completely inappropriate within earshot of a small child....or 2) for jumping behind the counter and placing my head under the coffee dispenser.  That's it.  Although I'm sure they're not exactly thrilled with people staying for 3 or 4 hours...I'd probably hate me too. 
...things I don't have to worry about anymore...woohoo!

It was a beautiful thing once the ol World Wide Web was up and running.  Welcome to 2015 Meredith...high speed internet, solar powered machines, and enough unfortunate selfies to make anyone want to burn their phone. 
Yay for technology.
But in all seriousness, its been a great thing not having to answer every nightly email on my phone.  By 11pm I'm generally one CC away from my thumbs swelling up and refusing to function.

In other news, I managed to give myself a mild concussion Thursday night.
Unbelievable.  I will literally be the only person roaming the streets of NY wearing a helmet and caution tape for the sake of everyone.
...I was on my way back to the gym and running to make the bus in time.  I started to pick up speed and quickly turned to see if Chris was right behind me.  Mistake.  As I turn back around, I had zero time to react as this guy was exiting the local diner.  Bless his heart, he had no clue that his southwest omelet was going to be capped off with a defensive screen route turned ugly.
I nailed him.
Not even a quick brush of the shoulder or arm-swipe.  Nope, it was full-on contact that left me wishing Chris caught it on camera.  Because my God, if I was going to hit someone like that, I want to be able to analyze the impact.  Duh.
It was only seconds afterwards that my head started pounding and my stomach felt nauseous.  Funny, and yet I honestly thought I was going to throw up on the bus.  I didn't want to be that person.  No one likes the person who smells like vomit.  Period.
Long story short, I made it through my sessions that night and avoided blacking out (win).  The next 2 days I definitely had a lingering headache, and today has been a gradual improvement.
Lesson learned: avoid high speeds on the sidewalk, and when in doubt pack proper head gear.

Ah yes, fitness...
I received a text this past Friday that absolutely made my day.  Here was a woman on a mission to lose substantial weight and coming out of several weeks at work that absolutely threw her for a loop, she was determined to leap back on the wagon.  Down 5 pounds last week.  Awesome.  Boom.  Way to go said you were going to do it, and you nailed it!  Heck yes!
Biggest change to her nutrition??  Eating breakfast, and eating more protein.  That's right, MORE food.
So proud of this one!

Another shout out to Christina who is now on month 4 of no soda.  From over 3 liters a day to NOTHING.  Awesome...your body thanks you :)

More to come next week.  My golf event at Equinox will be announced and if we're lucky perhaps another walk to work in 3 degrees... You can imagine my thoughts on that at 7am...

Monday, February 9, 2015

Bon-Bons and Bunions

Ah yes, the week of looooove...Valentines is just days away.
...Love in the air and the men out there are truly overwhelmed with excitement.  Ok, a slight exaggeration.  But the best advice I can give is something I tell the BF all the time: "lower your expectations and raise your acceptance."  Note: I generally use this after I say something ridiculous, but it can have multiple applications.  You're welcome.
And Chris, bless you...

Thank God for a relaxing weekend.  I definitely needed it, and after 2 naps today, you'd think I partied straight through the sabbath.
I didn't...I'm just rocking the haggard look on a Monday like every other normal human being.  Not sure if I'm leading or following the trend....either way, I'm capping it off with wet hair from my workout hours ago.  Gross.  But many of you ladies have been there post-workout when the effort to merely shower is overwhelming in itself.  Adding a full blown shampoo is a kick while you're down.  Forget it.
Yes, I judge myself slightly right now.....slightly.

Honestly, I felt pretty good this morning when the alarm went off at 4:20.  At that time in the morning, "pretty good" simply means you can physically get up without falling, see straight, and not tempted to throw a tantrum or strangle anyone.    
My 6:30 client is a trooper, and despite the snow, sleet, or potential blizzard, will show up in shorts and game for anything.  That's what I'm talking about....combined with my coffee buzz and lack of sympathy, its quite the entertaining hour.  But here's a guy who just weeks ago was experiencing daily back pain and couldn't complete an exercise without being completely winded.  And now, back pain, interval training, and pushing himself well beyond his comfort zone.
Love. It.

My own workout followed, and I knew it was going to be a tough one, ending with 25 minutes of sprint work.  I have to thank Chris for his coaching because this is not an easy phase.  My body doesn't feel like I'm 18 anymore (shocker) and the general fatigue, soreness, and minor aches and pains impact me more than they used to.   Even now as I sit in Starbucks my left hamstring is throbbing and I'm 2 espresso shots from offering this stranger beside me 10 bucks to massage it out.
Dear God, I need to go easy on the caffeine. 
So needless to say, when I got home afterwards, I crashed.  Naps 1 and 2 were only separated by an hour and a meal. 
...Just completely spent.

Speaking of ailments, I called my mom last week on a freakout.
I now have a bunion developing on my left foot.
For those of you who know the number of shoes I own and how this could effect my addiction, its epic.  By God it's injustice!  And one reason I love my mom is that she doesn't downplay this panic, but nor does she let me imagine its cancer.  Perspective. 
Meanwhile, my foot looks like one of those horrid pictures in the doctors office.  You know the ones that are supposed to scare you into taking care of yourself.  That's me. 

Back to the Monday grind.
May you all have a wonderful Valentines Day.  Love yourself first and foremost,...and then give from your overflow. :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Brady still has a butt-chin...

Where did the weekend go?!
I turn around and suddenly its Tuesday!...Mentally, I'm still jamming out to Missy Elliott's sneak attack during Sunday's halftime show.  Loved it, not gonna lie.
I was ready to bring back my scrunchies and Reebok Classics.  Hello 1996, your future rump shaker here desiring to relive the 20th century dream...

Speaking of the Superbowl....oh my, what a game.  I don't have a huge tie to either team, however, I was pulling for the Seahawks while simultaneously taking part in friendly bets on everything from the first commercial shown to the color of the gatorade poured on the coaches head.  I was focused, and definitely a little anxious during the National Anthem.  I bet the over.  She had 2 minutes to belt out this song, and I was praying for at least 2:01.  It was looking tight until she turned "land of the free" into a ballad all its on.
Timer in one hand, fist pumping with the other,...telling Idina to "PAUSE! PAUSE!" before the last line as my life depended on it.  What a ridiculous sight. 
2:04!!  2:04!!....And that my friends is what keeps my anxiety levels slightly questionable.   


Training this week has been solid.
My strength is increasing, which is good, but the amount of energy I blow through during the personal assault session is truly exhausting me.  I've already taken 2 naps today,...first one being at 8:30 this morning.
I was sitting there in the trainers' lounge after my clients struggling with whether I eat or sleep first.  And yes, I am fully aware that the only other human beings with this "choice" at 8:30 in the morning are about 25" long, wear diapers, and still rely on breast milk.
I judge myself....and yet am too tired to care.  Perfect.
I basically scarfed down my sweet potato and chicken then immediately plopped down in our couch-like chair, placed a towel over my face and was out cold for over an hour.
I can literally sleep anywhere.
Unfortunately, last week I nearly got kicked out of Barnes and Noble for sleeping on the floor.  Let me explain....
People were sitting on the floor, in the windowsills, etc, so I grabbed a book and made a spot on the floor.  Welllll, naturally about 10 minutes in it was all I could do to keep my head up.  I couldn't fight it any longer...I went down.
Look, mom always read the book before bed.  It makes you tired...makes sense.  Asking me to sit up and read on the floor without falling asleep is like asking my cat to scoop his own poop.
Good luck.
...All that to say I will have to go back to my spot in Starbucks more often.  They let me sleep.
God bless them.

Awesome week so far with clients.
I'm currently putting together a golf event at the club, so that's exciting and going to keep me busy.  I'll be sure to post more details about it once we finalize everything!  But if you already have questions or want to reserve a spot, please email me directly:

Last bit of training news and update,...
We are doing a trainer decathlon at the gym and the games began yesterday.  6 teams of 10 trainers, 10 events, everyone has to compete in 2 of them.  Today I had pullups.  Tomorrow I have box-jumps.
Once I got on the bar I was definitely feeling my upper body workout from yesterday.  Suddenly my body felt like lead.  Eesh,....not my best performance, but it may be enough to put me in first for the females.  We'll see.
I'm definitely the strongest I've ever been, but being in the off season, I'm also heavier.  Arms are feeling it already...
Tomorrow, I better bring my hops.

Well, I am headed back to work, and back into 21 degrees of awesomeness.  Makes my face burn.  Spring is so close and yet feels so far....when it breaks the 50 degree mark I might just ditch pants all together out of pure bliss...and a little rebellion...

Make today great folks :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Don't Eat the Yellow Snow...

Well, I survived the "blizzard" along with the other 73 people crammed in this Starbucks.
Its nuts in here right now. 
I literally had to make a table out of the window seal while attempting to sit upright and straddle the wall to type efficiently.  No, its not pretty, but I left my decency between 1st and 2nd Avenue when I nearly bit the dust crossing the street.  Never mind the cars, give me a patch of ice and I will quite easily injure myself.

Its been quite the week with smoke detector issues, a neck injury, and inspiring moments with clients.  I'll start with a device that I honestly want to rip from the ceiling in a fit of rage.  I understand that it is meant as a warning, as a helpful item, but in a 450sq ft apartment, it warns of nothing that would not have already exploded.
I've managed to set it off 3 times in the last week while cooking chicken.  Amazingly, at 7am with the alarm blaring, no one showed up to see if everything was ok.  I don't blame them.
I am fully aware that my neighbors hate me at this point, and by the 3rd incident were probably hoping I was playing with matches on purpose.
I wasn't.  Again, chicken.  I blame the chicken.
But in my defense, you get through 2 chicken breasts and the place looks like a smokehouse.  Who cooks just 2 breasts??  I need to get through about 3-4 pounds at a time, and a smoke detector that goes off at the sound of a fart is not helping...

Onto my neck...
Holy geez, talk about a wake up call.  Last week I was on the last rep of my last set of barbell shoulder press, and in a meathead moment of pure GH release, I pressed the weight up and my neck basically screamed at me.
I felt it happen, and the rest of my workout knew this was not going to be something I just slept off.  On a scale from 1-10, the pain was about an 8.5.  And ironically, the position that irritated it the most was standing/walking while trying to just keep my head up. 
Slightly problematic considering my profession.
The rest of the afternoon proved to be difficult while demonstrating exercises for clients, and then the trek home nearly put me in tears.  Ridiculous, I know.
But seriously, the only way I could remotely walk without excruciating pain was to tilt my head to the left and look down. 
I looked like Quasimodo shuffling to the 6 train. 
All I could do when I got home was lay down and apply as much pressure as I could stand to that spot.  Thankfully, it eased up in a few days and I've never been so grateful to nod my head...I nearly ceased verbal responses all together out of pure joy that my neck didn't feel like death anymore.
Slight exaggeration, but you get my point.

Overall though, my workouts are going very well.  Intense and exhausting, but very good.  I definitely have to warm-up and roll more than I used to.  At 31, things do not exactly feel like they did at 21 ;)
A few of the younger male trainers like to remind me of my age on a regular basis.
Its all fun and games until you actually do the math.  It was me against two young 20-somethings that ended with the eldest commenting to the younger:...
"Dude, she was in college when you first discovered your genitals."
There was pretty much nothing to say after that.
It was true.  Boys...

What a solid week with clients.
I had a few ladies make major breakthroughs amidst the sweat and dumbbells.  Perhaps the biggest obstacle for my "newbie" females is understanding the importance and role of struggle in the gym.  Understanding that yes, it is necessary to spark change, and no it is not a reflection of weakness.  Rather, it is an opportunity to foster strength in a moment of determination and belief in oneself.  It sounds quite simple and yet how often when left on our own do we hover in the comforts of the familiar,...the just difficult enough,...or the guaranteed success?!  We do it ALL THE TIME.  We are creatures of habit and often resist change when struggle is involved. 
So to see these ladies actively choosing to trust me in that moment, keep pushing, and ultimately do something they were not sure they could do,....that is food for my soul.
I love it.
They are slowly becoming forces to be reckoned with.  Its amazing.

Well, Starbucks is still packed and my rearend is officially stuck to this seat.  I need to get home and start food prepping for tomorrow.....if you see me on the news you'll know the smoke detector finally got the best of me.  Have a wonderful night folks.
And in honor of my courageous ladies, know that very thing you are afraid to do?, it.  Tomorrow.  Conquer it.  Go amaze yourself....

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Sweet-tarts, Squats, and Elderly Aggrssion

 It was my first trip to Target in 4 months....(as every young mothers' mouth drops in complete awe of such a concept).I get it.
Target is a retail gift from God.  You have everything you want in one stop for an overall pleasant shopping experience.  Unless you go on Saturday....that is a test of pure will power not to strangle someone, namely yourself.
I have no complaints about my recent trip except that it looks like Valentines Day exploded in that place.  Oh the things we will do for the sake of a holiday no one truly understands. 
I say this as I literally just left with 3 bags full of stuff for my nieces and nephew.  I couldn't help myself.

I finally feel like I'm catching up on sleep and am down to only one nap a day.  Some of you roll your eyes as if to say "at least you get a nap!"...fine.  I hear you.  And yet any other trainer totally empathizes with a schedule that is off/on for 12-14 hours.  We can nap anytime, anywhere, like champs....and taking away our caffeine source is a dangerous move if you value your life.
Fittingly, my nap location of choice lately is the Starbucks across the street from the gym.  My thought is that eventually they will either kick me out or offer a pillow.  Thus, my goal is to slowly break them far the southern accent has only gotten me a free coffee, which is fine, lets be honest.  I'd add a couple of winks if I thought that Tall would turn into a Grande.

Being the newest coach in a gym of 60 trainers sparks many conversations about
our own personal workouts.  We don't always workout at the same time, but you can't help but observe the discipline, work ethic, and push of your counterparts in this industry.  Its good accountability and the energy is fuel in the moments we struggle.
...Like yesterday when I was on my 4th set of squats and knew I was either going to come up or split my spandex trying.  Thank you Nike for a strong seam. 
My workouts are undergoing a makeover thanks to the help of my boyfriend, who's idea of INTENSITY is a 12 on a 1-10 scale. 
You can imagine the conversation over dinner.  We go through workout and nutrition planning, and next thing you know we're discussing squat patterns and there I am doing demos next to my plate of chicken.
This is normal.
Totally normal.
Honestly though, its been a solid week of training and my legs are screaming.  I needed to take today off.  Tomorrow is going to be a tough upper body workout followed by high intensity cardio. 
Side note:...this elderly male beside me in Starbucks is talking about punching people in the face.
Yeah, I don't know, but this is why I love New York.

To my NC folks...
I want to send a truly special thank you to all of you who thoughtfully send me emails, texts, calls, etc to see how I am doing.  You have no clue how much it means to me, and I am constantly flooded with gratefulness and inspiration.  Thank you, are amazing.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,...make it great,...and then make it even better. :)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

I Might Have Frostbite.

Ah yes, it feels so good to be back on the keyboard.
I've missed it and probably get some sort of high from writing.  Ironically, I've never experienced the whole "runner's high",...and after mile 6 or 7, its no longer worth the effort or potential thigh chafing.
But give me a pen, paper, and some spell check, and I'm operating on a whole new level. 

Currently, I've monopolized a couple of tables in Starbucks and am completely fascinated by this woman beside me.  Believe me, I can appreciate the natural affection one feels for a steamy cup of Joe, but she is a first.
I've never witnessed someone order 8 ounces of coffee in a 16oz cup, topped with whipped cream, and then consumed with a fork.  I can't stop watching.
She just groaned.
Suddenly I'm flashing to the scene in When Harry Met Sally, and basically one sound effect away from rushing to the counter and ordering the same thing. 
New York is always entertaining.

Well, I flew back to North Carolina for Christmas with the Parker crew, and it was beyond wonderful to see everyone.  Yes, in the 31 years God has allowed my ridiculous tail to be on this earth, I've never gone this long without seeing them.  Sparkles was beside herself, but it very well could have been the Christmas spirit taking over that woman like a bad rash.  Needless to say, mom and dad were in rare form with everything going on.
I had the pleasure of staying with my brother/sister-in-law and waking up on Christmas day with my nieces and nephew.  Nothing compares to that.  Witnessing the pure joy and sugar overload was enough for this soul.  And you better believe that when they asked for more Reece's Pieces before breakfast I caved and thought WWJD?  This is where I reason that He fed 5000, so I can feed 2 some chocolate and the world will not come to an end.  I know, it makes no sense, but whatever sometimes you just roll with it.  I rolled.

One beautiful thing about going home as a "guest" is that you're not expected to bring any food item to an event.  They say "your company is enough", which usually means "I will defriend you if you show up empty-handed, you thoughtless human being."  Its true.
BUT, when you're flying in from another state, traditional expectations are lifted a little.  I brought nothing but love and sarcasm.
Thanks mom. 

The trip flew by and before I knew it I was back in the city unpacking and cursing my ability to cram so much crap in one suitcase.
I've tried to make unpacking a game.  Its not.
Its just one of those things you do, are reminded why you don't like it every time, and generally vow to take less stuff the next time,....which is another fail, lets be honest.
The day I pack less than 5 pairs of shoes, prepare for Armageddon.

All in all, so many highlights of my time with family.  A few:
- Dad wears Santa t-shirt and therefore is taken seriously by no one.  Blames mom. 

- Payton associates Aunt Mena being home because "it smells like chicken"

- David's inability to stop throwing paper wads at me while unwrapping gifts results in a projectile navel orange to the throat...(I have yet to feel bad about this...he was warned...and I was armed)

- Salem remains calm despite the estrogen overload and serious case of breast milk gas

- Quality time with Jordan and Jan results in an amazing re-gift, Bella/Aunt Mena time, and me eating all the peanuts from their pantry.  I pretty much hit the jackpot on that visit. ...I owe them a lot of nuts.

- Payton/Haven attempt to perform their own version of Frozen and spread white sand across the entire house. 

-*Related: Kelly considers a post-holiday hysterectomy

- Also related: Certain people like to remind me my "clock is ticking".  I'm sorry my uterus didn't realize its aging,...thank you for the reminder. 

- Best part of the trip: the endless laughter and love that exists in my family.  Truly blessed and can't wait to visit in the Spring :)

Well now that everyone's eyes are bleeding, I'll try to wrap this up quickly.
I am officially transferred to a new Equinox location.  Yes, it was a fast transfer and stressful on many levels, however I am beyond grateful for faithful clients and mangers who are making it as smooth as possible.  With a team of 60 trainers, its a bigger gym and certainly a different dynamic.  But I firmly believe in our ability to adapt, thrive, and ultimately progress amidst what initially feels uncomfortable.
So here I am...and wouldn't trade the beautiful mess its been for anything.

I was thrilled to watch clients stay focused and on track during the holidays, but still enjoy the time of year.  Speaking of, with the resolution crowd making their way to the treadmills and god forsaken stairmasters, there is the constant reminder of efforts to move forward and create positive change.
Ah yes, the pursuit. 
The daily grind and push to make new habits, forgo old ones, and try not to lose our minds in the process.  And yet despite our determination, nearly 95% of resolutions fail.  Fact.  We have literally gotten worse at achieving these annual the point that I find less and less people practicing the tradition. 

This got me thinking.  Scary, I know.
But in all seriousness, here we are making goals and even coming up with a step by step plan to get there (my OCD readers say amen), but there is a critical piece that I will explore in my next article:
Preparing to Fail.
Sounds so positive right?!  Ha, but I believe in this 100%.  *We often neglect to consider that when we strive to make permanent behavior changes we WILL have lapses.  Period.  And preparing to fail is simply a realistic understanding that lapses are inevitable, and its our response and resilience that determines our growth, strength, and therefore success.
Its a game plan for the inevitable.  A beautiful and delicate balance of respecting the natural process, while fueling a greater belief that you can, will, and continue to conquer your greatest conquest,....yourself.

Stay tuned, more to come on that ;) .....

Well folks,...I've created a dent in this Starbucks seat.  I already napped once.  They are starting to suspect I am using them for their internet connection.
And if I thought I could be ninja-like and jump behind the counter long enough to put my head under the coffee dispenser, I would.  But its 10 degrees outside and I still can't feel my toes...

Stay warm.  Make today great.  And go be awesome....