Saturday, January 17, 2015

Sweet-tarts, Squats, and Elderly Aggrssion

 It was my first trip to Target in 4 months....(as every young mothers' mouth drops in complete awe of such a concept).I get it.
Target is a retail gift from God.  You have everything you want in one stop for an overall pleasant shopping experience.  Unless you go on Saturday....that is a test of pure will power not to strangle someone, namely yourself.
I have no complaints about my recent trip except that it looks like Valentines Day exploded in that place.  Oh the things we will do for the sake of a holiday no one truly understands. 
I say this as I literally just left with 3 bags full of stuff for my nieces and nephew.  I couldn't help myself.

I finally feel like I'm catching up on sleep and am down to only one nap a day.  Some of you roll your eyes as if to say "at least you get a nap!"...fine.  I hear you.  And yet any other trainer totally empathizes with a schedule that is off/on for 12-14 hours.  We can nap anytime, anywhere, like champs....and taking away our caffeine source is a dangerous move if you value your life.
Fittingly, my nap location of choice lately is the Starbucks across the street from the gym.  My thought is that eventually they will either kick me out or offer a pillow.  Thus, my goal is to slowly break them far the southern accent has only gotten me a free coffee, which is fine, lets be honest.  I'd add a couple of winks if I thought that Tall would turn into a Grande.

Being the newest coach in a gym of 60 trainers sparks many conversations about
our own personal workouts.  We don't always workout at the same time, but you can't help but observe the discipline, work ethic, and push of your counterparts in this industry.  Its good accountability and the energy is fuel in the moments we struggle.
...Like yesterday when I was on my 4th set of squats and knew I was either going to come up or split my spandex trying.  Thank you Nike for a strong seam. 
My workouts are undergoing a makeover thanks to the help of my boyfriend, who's idea of INTENSITY is a 12 on a 1-10 scale. 
You can imagine the conversation over dinner.  We go through workout and nutrition planning, and next thing you know we're discussing squat patterns and there I am doing demos next to my plate of chicken.
This is normal.
Totally normal.
Honestly though, its been a solid week of training and my legs are screaming.  I needed to take today off.  Tomorrow is going to be a tough upper body workout followed by high intensity cardio. 
Side note:...this elderly male beside me in Starbucks is talking about punching people in the face.
Yeah, I don't know, but this is why I love New York.

To my NC folks...
I want to send a truly special thank you to all of you who thoughtfully send me emails, texts, calls, etc to see how I am doing.  You have no clue how much it means to me, and I am constantly flooded with gratefulness and inspiration.  Thank you, are amazing.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,...make it great,...and then make it even better. :)

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