Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Brady still has a butt-chin...

Where did the weekend go?!
I turn around and suddenly its Tuesday!...Mentally, I'm still jamming out to Missy Elliott's sneak attack during Sunday's halftime show.  Loved it, not gonna lie.
I was ready to bring back my scrunchies and Reebok Classics.  Hello 1996, your future rump shaker here desiring to relive the 20th century dream...

Speaking of the Superbowl....oh my, what a game.  I don't have a huge tie to either team, however, I was pulling for the Seahawks while simultaneously taking part in friendly bets on everything from the first commercial shown to the color of the gatorade poured on the coaches head.  I was focused, and definitely a little anxious during the National Anthem.  I bet the over.  She had 2 minutes to belt out this song, and I was praying for at least 2:01.  It was looking tight until she turned "land of the free" into a ballad all its on.
Timer in one hand, fist pumping with the other,...telling Idina to "PAUSE! PAUSE!" before the last line as my life depended on it.  What a ridiculous sight. 
2:04!!  2:04!!....And that my friends is what keeps my anxiety levels slightly questionable.   


Training this week has been solid.
My strength is increasing, which is good, but the amount of energy I blow through during the personal assault session is truly exhausting me.  I've already taken 2 naps today,...first one being at 8:30 this morning.
I was sitting there in the trainers' lounge after my clients struggling with whether I eat or sleep first.  And yes, I am fully aware that the only other human beings with this "choice" at 8:30 in the morning are about 25" long, wear diapers, and still rely on breast milk.
I judge myself....and yet am too tired to care.  Perfect.
I basically scarfed down my sweet potato and chicken then immediately plopped down in our couch-like chair, placed a towel over my face and was out cold for over an hour.
I can literally sleep anywhere.
Unfortunately, last week I nearly got kicked out of Barnes and Noble for sleeping on the floor.  Let me explain....
People were sitting on the floor, in the windowsills, etc, so I grabbed a book and made a spot on the floor.  Welllll, naturally about 10 minutes in it was all I could do to keep my head up.  I couldn't fight it any longer...I went down.
Look, mom always read the book before bed.  It makes you tired...makes sense.  Asking me to sit up and read on the floor without falling asleep is like asking my cat to scoop his own poop.
Good luck.
...All that to say I will have to go back to my spot in Starbucks more often.  They let me sleep.
God bless them.

Awesome week so far with clients.
I'm currently putting together a golf event at the club, so that's exciting and going to keep me busy.  I'll be sure to post more details about it once we finalize everything!  But if you already have questions or want to reserve a spot, please email me directly: meredith.parker@pt.equinox.com

Last bit of training news and update,...
We are doing a trainer decathlon at the gym and the games began yesterday.  6 teams of 10 trainers, 10 events, everyone has to compete in 2 of them.  Today I had pullups.  Tomorrow I have box-jumps.
Once I got on the bar I was definitely feeling my upper body workout from yesterday.  Suddenly my body felt like lead.  Eesh,....not my best performance, but it may be enough to put me in first for the females.  We'll see.
I'm definitely the strongest I've ever been, but being in the off season, I'm also heavier.  Arms are feeling it already...
Tomorrow, I better bring my hops.

Well, I am headed back to work, and back into 21 degrees of awesomeness.  Makes my face burn.  Spring is so close and yet feels so far....when it breaks the 50 degree mark I might just ditch pants all together out of pure bliss...and a little rebellion...

Make today great folks :)

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