Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fun in Dysfunction...

Warm, cold, sun, snow, body is so confused right now.  The calendar says Spring and yet I'm practically rocking a snuggie to work in the morning.
Its cold.
And as much as I enjoy suffocating in a scarf, warmer weather would be welcomed with open arms... a tank top...preferably mesh.  Ok kidding, my redneck side is showing.  Dear God turn it off before I unknowingly spit in public.
 *Note: College roommates are not allowed to comment on this one.

Whew, what a crazy few weeks.
Since last post I've been working like crazy and managed to drag my beau to NC to meet the family.  Of course the day we were trying to leave was the same day mother nature decided to dump snow on NY, forcing us to leave the following day.  After being put on hold by Delta for more than 2 hours, I wanted at least a pat on the back for not making ridiculous threats or losing my religion over the phone.  Apparently those are no longer handed out.
I can't complain though, we got to the airport ready to go and found out we were upgraded to first class.  To be completely honest, this was my first experience in the tah-tah section, and I could almost hear my mom's voice "Be on your best behavior".  To this day I have yet to fully understand what that entails,...which explains a lot.  My "best" is questionable.
I will tell you this though, I was disturbed to find out that the package of peanuts is substantially larger and coffee is served in a real mug.  Game changer.  You mean to tell me that this whole time I've been sitting behind that polyester midget curtain, they've been making it rain with mixed nuts?
Throw in a few pecans and a back rub and you can reschedule my flight anytime.

We had a wonderful time with the fam, and I could not WAIT to see my nieces and nephew.  My brothers may be under the slight impression that I love their offspring more than them.  Ehhh....fair. ;)
It felt like a whirlwind trip, but great to get away from the city for a few days, hang out with the Parker crew, and show Chris just how much fun dysfunction can be...
Getting to hug mom was probably one of the best things about the weekend.  We cried some, laughed a lot, and just had a great time.
She is still in a cast from her foot surgery, but now wheeling around on a scooter the doctor prescribed.
Ummm yes, I definitely had to ride that thing.  And there is just something odd about being in a room and seeing your mom out of the corner of your eye whiz by on a scooter.  What a health hazard.
Fairy hair, a purple cast, and now a scooter,...I don't even know what to do with that...
Rock on mom, rock on.

We managed to get in a couple of workouts at ActivEdge, and yes, it did feel a little different walking into the gym for only the second time since I left in October.  It still feels comfortable, and I was glad Chris got to see where training all started for me.  That was special.  Plus, I got to see him throw around some weight.
Some leaders inspire mainly with their words, Chris inspires by DOING.  Man of action,...I like it.

Since then its been back to the grind.  Life is good.  Crazy, but good.  I have several new clients who are pumped about change and then curse me a little during the workout...its a good balance.  Big shout out to my gal Emily who continues to make strides and down 14 pounds.  Awesome.  And to Samantha who came to me struggling to do 1 push-up, and now cranks out sets of 12.
You go girl.
You push hard because life is hard.  Because you're worth it.  Because life was not meant to be watched from the sidelines.
Very exciting things going on with these folks. :)

Well, its about that time for yours truly.  After 9pm I get cranky and unreasonable....shocking, I know. 
Make tomorrow EXCEPTIONAL and get after it.

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