Monday, September 5, 2011

Falcons in Flight

Happy Labor Day.
Its 3:30 in the afternoon and the house is quiet....much different than my typical Monday afternoon.  Sleeping in this morning was heaven, and 4:30 came and went without me even knowing it.  I was completely fine with it.  Truth be told, I needed a day off.  I needed to unwind, catch my breath, and sit on my rear for awhile.  I'm getting good at it thus far...

Ryan and I worked out together today.  I had on was hard to keep that kid focused.  Ha,...I don't my husband, I HOPE I can still distract him to some degree.  We had a solid workout, and I was thankful he was there to spot me.  My weights increased slightly on 4 lifts, so I can't complain about that.  I was pretty pumped about 135 on BB row and 75 on shoulder press for the last 3 sets.  I'll take it.  Next week will be hard to go up after grip is still struggling after the 4th exercise.  Eh,...details....

I finished up with sprints and my glutes were screaming.  It was such a contrast to my run this weekend.  Since I've been training more for power/strength over the last 5 weeks, my distance runs are more miserable than ever.  (I say "distance" like its 2 hours of my life....more like 45-50...that feels like 80).  My body does not agree with steady-state cardio right now.  Give me 60 yds, that's more.  I'd rather sprint until I bled than run 5+ miles while my quads are hating me every step of the way.  Train for speed, get faster.....train slow, get slow....train for speed and then run slow for more than 35 minutes = horrible.  I also made the mistake of running at was beyond hot by that point.  But, I got it done.  Another cardio session in the books.

Random any of you who workout consistently sweat more than normal when you're not working out??  Its become ridiculous for me, and I need to talk to my dermatologist.  We went to the Duke game Saturday night....a 7:00 game, so the sun was setting, seats were shaded, and there I was soaking wet in sweat.  I looked over and there was a guy wearing a long sleeved collared shirt and a fleece vest without one drop of sweat on his face.  I was pissed, and yet couldn't find justification for yelling at this random stranger besides the fact that he was dry and I was not.  Its to the point that I cannot wear certain colors/fabrics during the summer because I'll look like I just ran a marathon (which we all know would not be true....ever).  Even my 210 pound husband who was wearing jeans was not then I was pissed at the random stranger and him.  What a long game...

Ok, nap time...for me and every other person under the age of 7 and over the age of 75....
I have a life, I swear...


  1. Glad to see you're enjoying a much needed day off with the hubby!

  2. I am about to go to bed at on the edge!

  3. I think you sweat a lot because your metabolism is raging! :)
