Sunday, March 9, 2014

Where do I begin?...
Two days ago I navigated my way to work amidst some ice and what not, then came home to no power.  In the middle of a hectic schedule, selling a house, and trying to maintain some level of normalcy, Old Man winter keeps sucker punching us all.  (I write this as its 68 degrees and sunny outside.  Welcome to NC bipolar weather...)  As of now, I am not projected to get power back for another 3 days.
And I'll be completely honest,...I have no desire to win any kind of award for survival or braving life without modern conveniences, etc etc...
Do I need 3 ply toilet paper and a heated towel?  No.  But I'm not trying to wipe with a leaf and shake-dry either.  Whether or not I should feel bad about it is well, irrelevant at this point.  I don't.
I enjoy lights.
I enjoy a working fridge to store my meat that I didn't have to hunt down myself.
I enjoy heat when its 30 degrees out.
Needless to say, when I come home and am actually able to turn on anything in my house, I will probably hurt myself from excessive celebration in the form of interpretive dance and a few tears.

In other exciting news,...
the Parkers will welcome the first nephew to the mix in August!!!...adding some testosterone to the group and yes of course I cannot wait :)

The girls were a part of the big reveal,...yes, they are rocking swimsuits in the middle of winter.  You don't ask questions, you just roll with it...

Back to the grind tomorrow.
Over the last few days I've felt in a rut with my own routine,...just dragging a little and easily distracted by everything going on.  That bugs me beyond no end.  Mainly because that is my time and I simply want to sweat, not think too much, and just be
The last few workouts have been anything but.
I find my mind racing and before I know it I'm lost in distracting thoughts that have nothing to do with the task at hand.  I get on my clients all the time about this, and mainly because it's not fair to yourself to mentally battle through things you cannot do anything about at the moment.  Period.
O so much easier said than done,...I get it.  I do.
So I have to get my mind right for tomorrow...on all levels...

Also coming go-to salmon/egg/avocado recipe.
Its overwhelming.
And easy.
Remember, we like easy.

Its that time....the bed is calling, and I am pooped.  Night folks!!

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