Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Princess Pull-ups and AARP Cards

It hit me at about 10am today that holy crap, its 2014.
Yes, to some extent I am a New Years cynic....going out is more expensive, the odds of me staying up to see midnight are slim, and waking up feeling like an assault victim on the first day of the year is both ironic and unappealing.  Have I done it?  Like a champ,...but I hate myself every time.
Generally, I'm so tired by 11:45 that I'd rather fake a pass-out just to lay down...
This year I was asleep by 12:06 and up by 6:30 ready to face the world with a functioning liver.
Despite the last image being Miley Cyrus and Ryan Seacrest in Times Square, (mini nightmare, although I might pay to see that fight), I slept like a baby.

My New Year's Eve festivities began with a nap at 3pm (in which, a phone call from Sparkles killed that dream..literally...about an hour later).  My God I could have slept until today.  Nonetheless, I got up, filled a 32oz container of coffee/liquid meth, and headed to their house to chaperone...
1 creeper, 1 menopausal woman, and 2 sugar-laden girls under the age of 5.
Given the age categories, I realistically knew that with all the laughing and running around, anyone could potentially wet their pants.
Whatever, I was so hyped up on coffee it would have just added to the entertainment.
2014 here we come.....what an awesome way to spend the last day of the year... Loved. It.

I've had clients emailing me left and right about goals for the new year and basically getting "refocused" if you will.  Its been great to see people finally GET that its going to be rough at moments, its going to require intentional effort on a daily basis, and simply owning the fact that it is a CHOICE. 
That is huge.
Personal responsibility is truly at the root of every element at work.  Discipline, motivation, behavioral changes, perspective, etc...once we as individuals truly own the fact that I am MY responsibility, a fundamental shift occurs.  Suddenly, we no longer see ourselves as victims to the world/environment around us, but rather as valuable contributors with limitless potential.  Combine that with the desire to improve, and you've got yourself an unstoppable, beautiful mess.
Very cool stuff.

Many people have asked me what my personal resolutions are, and I'll be honest...I'm not too big on New Years resolutions.  Ironic given my profession, I know.  But its because I truly believe that if you're ready to change, you'll do it.  Whatever it is, and whenever it is....January 1....May 18....September 3rd...doesn't matter.  Shouldn't matter. 
However, with that said I do face 2014 with exciting goals for career, health, and life in general.  An overarching theme if you will is intention.  Living out every aspect of my life deliberately, intentionally,...placing value and time in the things and relationships that truly matter and make a difference.
I love the question: "What are you doing today to better the you tomorrow?" spans everything...physical, mental, spiritual, relational...

I'll leave you with that loaded question for your evening. ;)
Happy New Year folks....make it exceptional.

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