Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bird Gazing and Hand-Holding

There are some nights when the thought of cooking another B-cup chicken breast is just slightly overwhelming,...thus, I resign myself to a protein shake.  It usually happens Sunday nights because I've done all my meal prep for the pounds of chicken, eggs, cutting oranges, and making salads until my salad spinner sounds needless to say, I'm usually throwing something in the blender after all that shenanigans.

Its been a busy few days.  Good Lord.  Glad to get people on board and rolling into the New Year, but I'd be lying if I said I entered it gracefully with a lot of hand-holding.  I was talking about it today with a friend, and one of the greatest things I've learned over the last 8 years is that people are much more likely to succeed if they expect it to be hard and expect to struggle....and I'd be doing a disservice to them by acting like its going to be a walk in the park with a few breaks to watch chickadees and sing kumbaya.  It won't be.  Put your big boy/girl pants on and face it.
Thus, I tend to freely give more tough-love...its life, its honest, so there ya go.
There were tears this week, some breakdowns, reality checks, and some nausea...but its full steam ahead and going to be an amazing journey for all.

I am more than a few days late on this, but I wanted to send a special thanks to my clients for truly spoiling the heck out of me this Christmas.  Unbelievable.  I'm sure some people wanted to wrap up and ass-whoop'n, but refrained...and I thank you.  Ha. 
Although I get it, I totally do.
From coffee and coffee giftcards (why on earth would you all think I like those beautiful brown beans?!), to Nike apparel and handmade items, I was so touched.  Here is a hat a client knitted for me, and I can't tell you how excited I was to actually have something truly fit my 6 7/8 sized cranium...(my forehead is just deceivingly large in comparison...thanks dad).
Allison did an amazing job and I love it!...

 Eventually I'll learn to smile during a selfie...but I was more concerned with trying to hold the stupid phone steady....required more effort than anticipated.
(And also a little crazy about my "home" NC t-shirt....a gift....from me...but thank you Omega Sports**)

Well, Monday is going to be nuts and I need to get my mind right.  School is back in and parents are singing hallelujah ready to get back on a schedule.  Here we go folks...

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