Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hot Spooning

Yes, I just completely demolished a cabbage and told it who was boss with my new vegetable peeler.
What can I say, it doesn't take much to bring my evening to a new level.
I had Christmas music going and my yankee candle firing away....it was actually a sad scene, let's be honest...
And now I am planted in front of the fireplace like its the middle of winter in Buffalo, fully aware that were I to invest in some leg warmers and a camo snuggie I'd survive just fine without the heat until New Years.  However, when I walk into a house at 61 degrees, I'm not even going to pretend I wouldn't mind spooning with a feverish human being.
I was cold.
Heat is now on.

My week's been fairly normal thus far, as clients are regrouping after Halloween chaos and preparing for the holidays.
It is literally right around the corner, and its always good to see people get in a proactive-mindset about 2 months of parties, dinners, and any/every reason people find to stuff their faces and drink like fish.
I completely get it.  However, come January 1 we should not all be standing there needing maternity pants wondering what the hell happened.
Yes, I will address some of that in a later post...

Ok, this was short and sweet tonight...
I am pooped and need to get my mind right for hump day.  I swear every time I turn around its hump day...

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