Sunday, November 24, 2013

Beaten Camel and Fat Pants

Hello there.
I've alive and kick'n....after a full week and few days vacation, it was right off the plane and back to work.  My body didn't know what the heck was going on by 3pm, except that more coffee sounded like a smart idea.
Apparently I had to keep the buzz going from the airport....sponsored by Starbucks and laced with speed.  I opted for an Americano at 9am, and after 2 cups of coffee, it proved to be the straw that broke the camels' back.  And by that I mean sent the camel to a whole new level.  (Fully aware I just compared myself to an animal that smells horrible and spits).
I was sweating, heart racing, probably on the verge of hives, was unreal.  Perfect flying conditions.  Combine that with a child using my seat as a soccer ball, and you've got yourself one entertaining flight and a potential heart palpitation my friend.

SO here we go into Thanksgiving week...
I've read article after article about prepping for holidays and received several emails about this topic as everyone is hoping not to make their "fat pants" just their "pants" in a matter of a few short weeks.
I get it.
And to say we don't struggle with some aspect of the whole thing to a certain degree is a lie.  Whether its navigating a dessert buffet, or simply trying not to load up on some kind of vodka/rum-infested food, we all face the temptations.  I am certainly not immune.
I have a sweet tooth...more like sweet teeth...I haven't found a single one that will discriminate against something that can potentially give me diabetes. 
I blame my grandma.  A midnight honeybun raid nearly cost her a hip.
Two generations later and here I am able to spoon frosting like oatmeal with no concept of "too sweet" and a mouthful of cavities from younger years of sugar mayhem.
...all that to say Thursday is often the start of an interesting journey for most until January 1st...

Right off the bat I can tell you that the best thing to do is have a plan before every event.
This is life and you need to enjoy the social aspect of gatherings...yes, even the ones that induce the emotional drinking in the first place.  Face it.  Deal with it.  Happy Holidays.
But don't let it rule you.
For instance,on Turkey Day we will all sit down to eat more than we should, but to avoid absolutely stuffing our faces like its our last meal, treat the rest of the day like any other day.  What I mean by that is have your normal, healthy protein-based breakfast, drink plenty of water, and have your subsequent meals/snacks like usual prior to the turkey meal.
This helps keep your cravings to a minimum and makes you less likely to overeat at dinner.  Not to mention you keep your metabolism revving all day.  God knows we need that fuel burning hard core after some stuffing and every casserole known to man...

Another tip...
Do not bring home desert leftovers. 
You WILL eat it...every bit of it...and then 90% of you will beat yourself up over it, get pissed off, and start into the holiday-downward-spiral that is generally wrapped in self-loathing and a tighter waistband.
Enjoy the day, the meal, the company, and then back on track.  Your body will thank you.

Ok, I am pooped.  I will have more tips and what not to come...perhaps followed by a pep-talk on Black Friday.
...Monday will be here before I know it and the alarm screaming at me like a child....a loud, over-zealous 5 year old...Night my dear folks!...

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