Thursday, February 27, 2014

Special Delivery!

Yes, its been awhile.
I sit here facing March like its going to be February's psychotic sister and completely fly by....while judo-punching me on the way out.  The past week has been a whirlwind of work and play and breastfeeding.
Let me clarify,...not me.
No,...not right now...and judging by the look of things I have to have faith that if God can feed 5000 with a few loaves of bread and some fish, then my kids won't starve....slightly malnourished, maybe...
The feeder is in fact my sister-in-law,...yes, Isabella Blair Parker arrived late Thursday night to make her worldly debut, and I am in love.

Hard to believe my baby brother is a father,...feels like just yesterday he discovered what that thing did, and now he's swimming in estrogen.
Miss Bella,...what an amazing way to end the week.

No, I'm not exactly a "baby person"...perhaps not shocking to most.  When I walk into a room full of babies I'm more likely to have a panic attack from the smell of breast milk and poo than rush over to gloat over a child.  I am crazy about a few kids, yes, and I would give my life for my nieces, but honestly am in no hurry to hold and love on something that was recently swimming in the pool also known as your uterus.  For whatever reason my mind races to the actual birthing process, and next thing I know I'm sandwiched between the thought of labor and conception.
Dear God.  Next topic...

Already Thursday,...the week's been a little crazy in the gym, but nothing out of the ordinary.  Interviewing for a new personal trainer is always interesting to say the least,...finding the perfect balance of knowledge, motivation, work ethic, experience, and coach-ability proves to be hard every single time.
I trust my gut.
.....aaaand make expectations known without completely losing my cool in a moment of fitness-related-passion...
God bless the soul who enters into the mix.

In other news,...leg press.
I get in that machine and just as I'm about to push from a position only appropriate for childbirth, I become well aware of the now obvious: my ability to successfully shave my knees has not improved since 6th grade.
Ladies, you totally get this.
You're practically eating your patella when you set up and then its a moment of clarity (thank you Eminem), that you are horrible at maneuvering a razor over your knee.  Complete fail.
I am.  I admit it.
And next week there's a 90% chance I'll climb in there and face the same issue.  And to be completely honest, I will spend very little time trying to master this and perhaps offend someone this summer.
And guys, your opinion on this holds very little weight considering you dedicate an entire month to not shaving your face.  None of us ladies voted for this.  Around November 12th it transforms into a weird sport, and in an all-out 30 day effort to look like Paul Bunyan, end up looking more like a creeper with half a chin strap.
A for effort.

On that note, I am pooped and have a full day ahead.  Friday, bless you, we go...


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